Dear Kingsmead Community,
It is with a joyful heart that I write to you. This week’s newsletter has come together with so many pockets of inspiration from my colleagues, our students and beautiful school. Two weeks ago in assembly, Mrs Bouche, our Director of Marketing, launched the Kingsmead Young Writers’ Competition and she asked the girls in assembly “what is your favourite word?” I loved this question and the answers that came from our audience, including one Junior Primary Student saying her favourite word is ‘flamingos’… When asked what my favourite word is, this was no doubt an easy answer for me – JOY.
Joy sweeps our campus daily and is celebrated along with our value of Happiness. This Kingsmead value reminds us to embrace beauty, love and goodness in all that we do.

Our most recent Music assembly was booming as the music department celebrated the sound of JOY, even our hymn ‘It’s a beautiful day’ pays reference to ‘joy’ – ‘thank you for joy’. We at Kingsmead are most thankful for joy. I hear joy in the sounds of our younger students delighting in learning to read, write and spell. I have spent many weeks at the poolside at our various galas, where JOY was felt, as I watched the girls sense of achievement on their face at the end of swimming a race, and being placed. Joy now takes on a new space with the netball season commencing. Thank you to students and staff who attended our recent netball camp.
Nike Running Global Head Coach Chris Bennett points out that the word rejoice is the verb form of the word “joy”. Thank you to each and every one of your daughters and teachers, who allow us to rejoice daily. Know joy. Live joy. To feel happiness, in the various moments of our school day.
Wishing our families who will be celebrating Ramadan, a Ramadan filled with opportunities for growth and inner peace. May joy choose you Kingsmead.
#Thriving in Possibility
Tarryn McLaren
Junior School Head
It gives me great pleasure to announce our newly appointed Educational School Psychologist, Ms Megan Irons. Megan will join us at the start of Term 2. After teaching in the Foundation Phase for a period of ten years, in both government and private school settings she made the decision to pursue her long-term dream of studying for a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology. Her journey thus far has equipped her with a diverse skill set and a deep understanding of both the educational and psychological needs of students within schools.
As a practising educational psychologist, who works in both a primary school, on a part-time basis, and in private practice, Megan finds it rewarding to provide both long- and short-term therapy for children from various backgrounds, who experience a variety of challenges. She has worked with children ranging in age from 3 to 18 years of age.
Megan was drawn to Kingsmead Junior School’s commitment to prioritising the social and emotional well-being of students and she is eager to contribute to our school’s mission of fostering a positive and inclusive culture where every student feels valued and supported.
Please can we remind you that our comprehensive School App is the main communication platform from App alerts, to our live calendar and timetables.
Resources for Parents – Connecting with your Daughter
We trust that you to continue to enjoy our bi-weekly parent slot… This week, I’d like to build on the same author as last time. The work of Margarett Wilson ‘ Raising Emotionally Strong Girls’ aligned with my heads message this week. Her one chapter speaks about communication skills and emotional intelligence, where she states that girls will often steer clear of conflict to play the role of the peacekeeper. We owe it to our girls to teach positive interactions with their emotions.
This practical guide, written by a mom for parents, explores the most difficult aspects of anxiety, self-doubt, fear, and more with compassion and empathy. It is intended to assist you in exploring your perspectives and influences, while also encouraging open dialogue and acknowledging that we are all works in progress.
Fostering Meaningful Conversations: Nurturing Our School Values Together
I am privileged enough to witness the growth and development of our students on a daily basis. Our institution is not only about academic excellence; but also about nurturing well-rounded individuals who embody our core values: Happiness, Purpose, Possibility, Responsibility, Courage, and Service. These values are not mere words on paper; they are the guiding principles that shape the character of every student who walks through our doors.
At the heart of our ethos lies our school motto, ‘Franc Ha Leal,’ which translates to “free and loyal.” This powerful motto encapsulates the essence of our educational philosophy, emphasising the harmonious blend of privilege and responsibility. It reminds us that true freedom is not found in selfish pursuits but in fulfilling our duties and obligations to others. It is a reminder that with every privilege comes a corresponding responsibility to serve our community, both our school community and wider community, and contribute positively to society.
These values are taught at school and opportunities to identify and explore these values are explicitly and strategically created. But as parents, you too play a pivotal role in reinforcing these values and instilling them in your daughter. Engaging in meaningful conversations with your child about the significance of our school values is vital for their holistic development. Here is why, as well as a few tips on how to catalyse these valuable conversations at home:

Happiness: Discussing happiness with your child can help her understand that true joy comes from living a life of purpose and meaning, rather than pursuing fleeting pleasures.
– Encourage her to find happiness in her achievements, relationships, and acts of kindness towards others. On your way home in the car, ask your daughter to identify one key moment of happiness within her day to develop a habit of gratefulness.
– As a family start a “gratitude/happiness jar”, whereby you write down a note every time something makes you happy or you recognise something for which you are grateful. At the end of the year go through the jar as a family to “count your blessings”.
Purpose: Help her discover her unique talents and passions, guiding her towards a sense of purpose that extends beyond personal gain.
– Encourage her to set meaningful goals and pursue them with determination and persistence.
– Help her to identify her passions by taking notice of the feedback she gives you:
What activities make her feel most alive and excited?
What does she enjoy learning about or spending her free time doing?
What issues or causes is she passionate about?
Possibility: Foster a mindset of optimism and resilience in your child by exploring the endless possibilities that lie ahead of her.
– The value of possibility is a prime opportunity in which to teach a Growth Mindset. When she hasn’t mastered something, remind her of the power of the word “yet”.
– Challenge your child to set a personal goal that pushes her into a learning zone. Whether it’s learning a new skill, or maybe trying out for a sports team, encourage her to embrace the possibility of growth and development.
Responsibility: Teach her the importance of taking responsibility for her actions and their impact on others. Emphasise the value of integrity, honesty, and accountability in all aspects of our lives.
– Assign age-appropriate household chores to your child and discuss the importance of contributing to the family unit.
– Use these tasks as opportunities to teach her about accountability and the impact of her actions on others.
Courage: Empower her to step out of her comfort zone. Urge her to develop the Habit of Mind, Taking Responsible Risks.
– Encourage her to stand up for what she believes in and to advocate for justice and equality.
– Remind your daughter that courage can look different for different people. Role model or point out these acts of courage as you come across them.
– Normalise asking for help. Sometimes the biggest act of courage is putting one’s hand up.
Service: Instil in your child a sense of empathy and compassion towards others, teaching her the value of service and giving back to her community.
– Encourage her to volunteer her time and talents to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
– Volunteer together as a family at a local charity or community organisation. This hands-on experience will not only allow her to see the impact of service, but also foster a sense of empathy and compassion towards others.
By engaging with your child on these topics, you not only reinforce the values upheld by our beautiful school but also equip her with the essential life skills needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Together, let us uphold the spirit of ‘Franc Ha Leal’ and empower our daughters to become compassionate, responsible, and resilient individuals who will make a positive impact on the world around them.
Learning and Innovating together,
Sjaneen Pretorius
Deputy Head: Academics and Innovation

Arts & Music
Imagine for a moment if you could not feel your heartbeat. It is a strange thought, isn’t it? Our heartbeat is like a gentle reminder that we are alive, that our bodies are working hard to keep us going. It is like a little drummer boy inside us, keeping the rhythm of life going strong.
But our heartbeat is more than just a physical sensation. It is a symbol of our connection to everything we love and care for. Our heart connects us to the people and things we are passionate about. It is like a compass, guiding us toward what matters most in life. Whether it is spending time with family, pursuing our hobbies or standing up for what we believe in, our heart is always there, cheering us on. Just like our hearts are vital to us as individuals, providing the rhythm of life within us, music also needs a beat to come alive. It is like a heartbeat for our souls, filling us with energy, inspiration and joy. When we sing, dance or play music together, we are not just making sounds. We are creating moments of connection.

🥳 Congratulations!
Our Junior School debaters had their first friendly debate against The Ridge School on 6 March, with Kingsmead Yellow and Kingsmead Green representing opposing sides of the motion to ban fossil fuels. Both teams performed exceptionally well, showcasing remarkable improvement in their confidence and rebuttal skills. Our students adeptly countered arguments and demonstrated impressive critical thinking. The support from parents and the dedication of our students are appreciated. Congratulations to all participants! We look forward to our next event on 16 March.
♟️ Junior School Chess League
We are excited to share the latest highlights from our students’ weekly Go For Chess League match. Our Junior Primary students showcased their skills, triumphing in 3 out of 4 matches against Crawford Fourways, leading to an impressive final score in favour of Kingsmead.
While the competition was fierce, our Senior Primary students demonstrated resilience and perseverance, despite facing tough opponents. Although they faced a setback against Knights Prep, their unwavering spirit continues to impress.
Congratulations to all our chess enthusiasts for their dedication and sportsmanship!
📆 Week ahead
We wish our Grade 4-7 Choir students all the best for their performance on Thursday at Singing Sistas. Please note that they will depart at 15h00 for St Mary’s due to the JP Morgan race. A letter with more information about this event can be found on the App and Choir WhatsApp group. It is essential that parents complete the tickets and bus links.
🎉 Acknowledgement and Recognition Form
If your daughter has participated in an examination, festival, eisteddfod or any other event in the Arts (Visual Art, Drama, Dance) & Music sphere, we would love to hear about it. Please complete the Acknowledgement and Recognition form on the Kingsmead App in the Arts & Music folder. The purpose of this form is to ensure that we can celebrate your daughter in awards, assemblies, newsletters and on our social media.
If you have any more questions about Arts & Music at Kingsmead, get in touch, we would love to chat.

Purchase your ticket here:
Elsabé Fourie
Director of Arts & Music

Mia Loock
Head of Junior School Music
We are thrilled to congratulate all our swimmers on a fantastic season filled with dedication, hard work, and remarkable achievements. Your commitment to the sport and our team has truly paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of every one of you.
A special mention must go to our Grade 7 swimmers, who have not only excelled in the pool but have also shown exceptional leadership qualities at every gala. Your sportsmanship, teamwork, and determination have set a shining example for all, and we commend you for your outstanding efforts.
As we reflect on the season gone by, let’s celebrate the victories, the personal bests, and the friendships made. Let’s carry this momentum forward as we continue to strive for excellence both in and out of the water.
Thank you to all the parents, coaches, and supporters for your unwavering encouragement and support throughout the season. Together, we have created a community that fosters growth, sportsmanship, and camaraderie.
Well done to all tennis players on a super tennis season. We had some tough matches and always showed up with courage and spirit. Well done players! The top 8 players on the ladder will now prepare for the upcoming St Stithian’s Sports Festival where the top 6 will be participating.
D13 Trials
Well done to the following players for attending the D13 netball trials which were held at Brescia on Saturday.
Vuyo Mkwanazi
Kate van Dyk
Rania Tayob
Ava Booth
Keodirelang Maqubela
Francesca Pardini
Vera Collocott
Reneilwe Ramutla
Lucy Berry
Kylie Dugmore
Further congratulations to Kate van Dyk for being selected to attend the second round of trials. Well done, Kate!

Netball Camp
The netball camp at Camp Discovery was a resounding success! Players had the opportunity to learn valuable skills and techniques from the new South African netball coach as well as highly ranked players from NWU while forming lasting memories with friends and coaches. It was a truly rewarding experience that will stay with them for a lifetime. We are looking forward to a successful netball season.
Congratulations to Georgie Dalling and her team for a fantastic season in the JHL Hockey league! We also extend our congratulations to Rafaella Karasavvidis, Emma Abdo, Isolam Sithebe, and Amelia Kohler for their outstanding achievement in coming second in their league. Well done to all the talented players for their hard work and dedication!
Upcoming Events
15 March: Grade 4-7 Netball Matches vs St Andrew’s
(Grade 4 & 5 – Kingsmead, Grade 6 & 7 – St Andrew’s)
All players are to travel on the bus to the venue. Players may be collected at the end of the fixture. All players are expected to stay and support until the end of the last match. The bus will return to Kingsmead after the fixture.
21 March – 23 March: St Sithian’s Sports Festival
We are pleased to announce that we will have teams competing in 3 different sporting codes for the festival.
Tennis – Top 6 players (matches will take place in the morning)
Squash – Top 4 players (matches will take place in the morning)
Netball – Grade 5A, 6A & 7A (matches will take place in the afternoon)
Players are to please meet coaches at St Stithian’s. Communication regarding teams & meeting times will be communicated by the teachers in charge of each sport.
A few reminders for parents & guardians:
1. Please send any sports achievements (school & non-school) to Mrs Hanekom.
2. A reminder to please download the Kingsmead app as this will be the direct method of communication to parents on sports fixture days.
3. All team lists will be published on the app by no later than Tuesday for a Thursday fixture and the Wednesday before the Friday/Saturday fixture. Please ensure that you let the coaches know if your daughter is not able to attend a fixture.
Yours in sport
Shavaun Hanekom
Head of Junior School Sport

Support Department

Leigh-Anne Wilson
Remedial Therapist
Conversation Starter
We hope that you enjoyed the last conversation starter…as we know, one of the signs of a healthy family is open and meaningful conversation/communication. But often finding the time or the points to speak to, don’t always come easily. We thought we would share some prompts to facilitate this process, which are ideal to share around the table, on a trip – anytime, anywhere.