Kingsmead College is a non-profit company without member in terms of the Companies Act. It is also a registered Public Benefit Organisation and Non-Profit Organisation. In terms of its Memorandum of Incorporation, the management and control of the school and its affairs vest in the Council.
The Council consists of between 6 and not more than 14 directors and is made up as follows:
- Three ex officio directors being:
- The Head of the Senior and Junior schools and the Business Manager;
- Two directors nominated and appointed by the Parents’ Association, from the Junior and Senior Schools;
- One director nominated and appointed by the Old Kingsmeadean Association (OKA)
- Up to a maximum of eight further directors, at least two of whom are experts in the field of education and at least four shall, at any time, be current parents, past parents, Old Girls, past Kingsmead teachers and/or teachers from other schools.
All members (except the Heads and Business Manager) serve for a three-year term but are eligible for re-election for a further term of the same duration. After a break of one year they are entitled to serve on Council once more.
The Parents’ Association representatives on Council are the designated channel of communication between parents and Council. Parents are encouraged to raise whatever issues they believe merit Council’s attention with their Parent Representatives.
Important policy and other decisions taken by Council are regularly reported to Parents.