Scholarships 2026
Kingsmead College is a Christian school for girls, which embodies a distinctive ethos where the individual matters first and foremost and where each student is nurtured to contribute to the Republic of South Africa in all its diversity. As a country, our racially divisive past results in skewed racial patterns within the broader College community. As a school in the South African context, we recognise the need to reconcile and harmonise constitutional imperatives of dignity and equality with the aims and objectives to promote gender equality and inclusivity.
At Kingsmead College, we recognise and celebrate exceptional talent and dedication. Our scholarship programme is designed to reward outstanding academic performance and will contribute to the life of the College in various ways, be that be that sport, the arts, or leadership. Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate excellence in their chosen field and embody the values and ethos of Kingsmead College.
We will award two scholarships in 2026 to one internal and one external candidate who meet these criteria.
Applications for these scholarships are now open. These are for entry to Kingsmead College for Grade 8 2026 only.
Please note: you will also need to submit an admission form to accompany your scholarship application. We will be unable to consider applications without the admission form.
To apply, parents and guardians are required to complete the scholarship application form and submit the necessary supporting documents. Scholarships are awarded based on a comprehensive assessment process, including interviews and portfolio evaluations where applicable.
We encourage all eligible students to apply and take advantage of this opportunity to thrive within our nurturing and empowering school environment.
Scholarship Applications will close on 28 February 2025, and the two recipients will be announced on 28 March 2025. Please note that no late entries will be considered.
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