Singing Sistas JS Newsletter 1 Kingsmead College

Our Connection: Issue 5 2022

Nyeleti GoleleJunior School Leave a Comment

Dear Kingsmead Community,

Finding Joy

It is a privilege to work in a school. The laughter, play and excitement shared with our children here at school reminds us of the need to seek joy, look for the light, and to find hope. I sat with a group of Junior Primary children in the guinea pig enclosure early this week. I loved the serious intent and purpose of their conversation regarding the well-being of our school pets. They took care of these animals and focused their energy on ensuring that they were comfortable, well-fed and safe. It was symbolic of the care, safety, and happy environment that we as adults seek to create for our children. It was also a good opportunity to reflect on Human Rights Day and the responsibility that we have as South Africans to protect and respect the rights of all humans.

Just as our children innocently seek to prioritise the health, safety, shelter, and gentle care for the guinea pigs here at school, so do we have the responsibility to protect the rights of our children and communities each and every day.

My hope is that we continue to raise children who respect themselves and who respect others. May we continue to raise children who care for humanity, for animals, their environment, and their school. May we continue to raise children who seek joy and happiness because they are safe to do so.

“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity” Nelson Mandela

With love and Courage Always,

Kim Lowman
Head: Kingsmead Junior School

Thinking at Kingsmead 2022, off to an inspiring start..

It is March, time for the Annual TSSA Roadshow. This year the Roadshow is titled: Power Thinking in Uncertain Times , with many international guest speakers, including the one founding member of the 16 Habits of Mind, Bena Kallick. We had several of our staff attend this conference virtually, but more excitingly, Kingsmead were asked to be part of this national roadshow.

On Thursday 11 March, Tarryn McLaren together with our student-led drive team, NEST of 2022, students were interviewed by the CEO of TSSA, Dr Sonja Vandeleur to understand how Thinking is made visible at Kingsmead. This was an opportunity for our students to showcase how they incorporate the Growth Mindset Continuum as part of their learning journey, and to share their own personalised strategies to develop and nurture their Habits of Mind within their individual subjects. Here the students value assessments as tool for reflection and not solely the end results.

Dr Vandeleur further explored how the NEST students run an effective student-led drive team. Kingsmead Junior School is the only school within South Africa to boast a Junior School student-Led drive Team.

Tarryn McLaren
Deputy Head: Senior Primary

Picture4 Kingsmead College

Arts & Music

Congratulations to our Chess players!

At the end of February the Kingsmead Checkm8s Chess students represented the Ekhuruleni team in the Chess Inter-regions Tournament (U8-U14). They were up against 5 other regions and we are super proud of their efforts and final results. Well done to all our Kingsmead players on their exceptional performances: Lyla-Jean Barbeli, Milisuthando Mabusela, Nondumiso Mabuza, Talia Sibanda, Zahraa Laher, Viola-Grace Asherson and Malaika Sibanda. A special mention to Lalu Hu-Grobbelaar who finished 4th in the U12 category with a 4 out of 5 game win. Their commendable performances attributed to the region finishing in 2nd place. Congratulations to all our chess players on their silver medals!

Milisuthando Mabusela went on to participate in the Primary Schools Chess Championship held at St. Mary’s this past weekend. She did exceptionally well and walked away with third place and earned herself a bronze medal. Congratulations Milisuthando!

Chess group pics Kingsmead College

Singing Sistas Choir Festival

The Grade 4-7 Choir performed absolutely beautifully at the recent Singing Sistas Choir evening. It was an absolute thrill to perform for a live audience again and the choir made the most of the opportunity. They did Kingsmead so proud!

Singing Sistas JS Newsletter 1 Kingsmead College


Well done to our Grade 1-3 musicians who performed last week Tuesday. What a delight to hear our youngest musicians perform again!

Thursday 24 March 18:00-19:00 Grade 4 & 5 Music Concert Joel Hall Summer School Uniform
Wednesday 30 March* 18:00-19:00 Grade 6 & 7 Music Concert Joel Hall Summer School Uniform
Friday 1 April 17:00-20:00 KINGSTOCK Field Jeans & T-shirt**
Tuesday 5,

Wednesday 6 &

Thursday 7 April

18:00-19:30 Kingsmead








*Note the change in date of the Grade 6 & 7 Concert to Wednesday the 30th instead of Thursday 31st due to the JP Morgan road race road closure.

**More information about the KINGSTOCK event will be shared with parents in a detailed letter.

Thank you to all our parents for your continued support of the Arts & Music department at Kingsmead.

Elsabé Fourie
Director of Arts & Music

11 1 Kingsmead College

Mia Loock
Head of Junior School Music


Physical Education

Our students have been having such fun whilst working hard during their Physical Education lessons. We have been focusing on improving core strength. The core is at the centre of your body, it encompasses your abs, hips, back, and chest. Your core stabilizes your body, allowing you to move in any direction as well as having proper balance. It helps prevents falls and supports your body. So having a strong core is beneficial to everyone because it allows your body to function properly.

Our Junior Primary students have been learning how to aim and throw in between other fun core strength activities whilst our Senior Primary students have been learning new gymnastic skills during their Physical Education lessons. Gymnastics is an excellent way of improving strength, balance, and core strength.


We would like to congratulate Neo Mkwanazi and Briony Grubb for being selected for the U13 Southern Gauteng Hockey Team. They have been through many rounds of trials and being selected for the team is an amazing achievement. Well done, Neo and Briony!!

Neo Mkwanazi Kingsmead College
Briony Grubb Kingsmead College


Kingsmead College Storms CGA Diving Competition!

Congratulations to all of our divers who participated in the 2022 CGA Diving Championships. They participated in several events and came back with great results.

The following divers competed in the Group D Novice competition:
Mikayla Rono – Placed 2nd in her individual event on 1m & 3rd in her Synchro event.
Thoriso Motshegoa – Placed 3rd in her individual event on 1m & 2nd in her synchro event.
Olona Mbele – Placed 4th in her individual event on 1m & 3rd place in her synchro event.
Darcy Anderson – Placed 5th in her individual event on 1m & 1st in her synchro event.

The following divers competed in Group C Elite competitions:
Maya Rono – Placed 1st in both her 1m & 3m event. She also achieved 3rd for her synchro event.
Grace Hefer – Placed 2nd in her 1m event & 4th in her synchro event.
Jada Williams – Placed 11th in her 1m event & 4th in her 3m event. She also achieved 1st place in her synchro event.
Milan Williams – Placed 6th in both her 1m & 3m events.

We would like to congratulate the above-mentioned divers on these amazing results.

Central Gauteng Aquatics Youth Games Trials
We would also like to congratulate Maya Rono and Grace Hefer for being invited to compete in the trials for Central Gauteng Aquatics Youth Games coming up in April 2022. This is an exceptional achievement, well done!

Grace Hefer Kingsmead College
Maya Rono

Outside Sport

Open Water Swimming
Congratulations to Annabelle Herringer for taking part in the annual Midmar mile open water swim. Annabelle had a phenomenal swim with her dad swimming alongside her. Well done, Annabelle!

A. Herringer Kingsmead College

Congratulations to Sofia Allison who completed her first triathlon.  She participated the children’s TinMan Race which consisted of a 200m swim, 5km cycle and 2.5km run. Well done Sofia!

Sofia Allison 2 Kingsmead College

A few reminders for parents & guardians:

  1. Please send any sport achievements (school & non-school) to Mrs. Hanekom.
  2. A reminder to please download the Kingsmead app as this will be the direct method of communication to parents on sport fixture days.
  3. All team lists will be published on the app by no later than the Tuesday for a Thursday fixture and the Wednesday before the Friday fixture.
  4. A reminder to refer to the week ahead document and the Term 1B/2A Sports information on the app under the Sport section.

Yours in sport
Shavaun Hanekom
Head of Junior School Sport

KINGSTOCK POSTER Kingsmead College
Share What You Can 2022 Kingsmead College

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