Dear Kingsmead Community,
We have reached the end of the second term, and what a term it has been! My heartfelt thanks to each and every person within our community who has generously given of their time and energy to ensure that we finish well. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your daughter’s reports. I am proud of their tenacity, their courage and their resilience. Our students have learnt something this term which they may never have learnt before. Many of them have found new creative outlets, have explored new ways of collaborating online, have spent much needed time with their parents, siblings and guardians. Many have started reading more than usual and have developed new practical skills while assisting with home chores.
Thank you to our incredible teachers. I am so proud to lead a team of professionals during this time of crisis. While you have created a whole new curriculum, you have never lost your deep care for your students. Thank you for prioritising relationship above all. A connected, happy child is a child who learns. This you have proved over and over during this challenging term.
This has been an extraordinarily sad month for our community. Our sincere condolences are shared for our families and staff members who are grieving the loss of their family members. Thank you to our community for holding us all in your thoughts and prayers during this month.
Our congratulations goes to Denise Schefermann on the birth of her grandson, Asher Cole Schefermann, born on 25 July 2020. We wish you and your family many happy celebrations together.
We welcome back Itumeleng Sehaswana from maternity leave. It is so wonderful to have you back at school!
We are, without doubt, desperate to bring our family back together and back home to Kingsmead in the third term. We remain realistic and sit comfortably with uncertainty as we continue to explore flexible options. May the start of the spring term bring with it the joyful reintegration to onsite tuition.
The long winter break comes at the most necessary time for us all. If you have a moment, take the time to spend playful moments with your children, laugh, rest and recover. I pray for your health and wellness. I truly cannot wait to see your happy faces soon.
Kim Lowman
Head: Junior School
The Silver Lining Theory
At the beginning of the year Mrs Lowman addressed students, parents and staff about ‘finding the sparkle’. She presented staff with sparkly silver nail polish as a visual reminder to look for the sparkle in every situation – I am not a sparkly nail polish person, maybe that’s why the visual resonated so very strongly with me.
2020 has been a challenging and somewhat difficult year for me; I know I’m not alone. The amount of stress and negativity we have recently dealt with, has stopped us finding the sparkle; looking for the silver lining.
Perhaps it’s time to consciously begin looking again. However, before we do, we need to acknowledge what has been holding us back. Giving ourselves permission to feel and experience what we may perceive as ‘negative’ emotions, allows us to release toxic emotions we may have been harbouring. Releasing toxic emotions does not only make one feel good, but motivates and gives one energy to look for the silver lining.
Research at New York University, dubbed the ‘Silver Lining Theory’, states that some 90% of people believe their negative traits are actually strengths in disguise. It’s this belief that encourages people to work harder at developing a positive attitude. It is also more than just believing that good things are to come, it’s an understanding that depending on how one chooses to frame it, every negative is a positive.
Bad or difficult moments enable us to appreciate the good; to look for the silver lining. My hope for each member of the Kingsmead community is that we are able to reflect on the bad and difficult moments we have experienced over the last few months, then to release the toxic emotions we may be harbouring – and to find the silver lining.
• Goldberg, E. (2014, December 15). 7 Tips to Find the Silver Lining Within Yourself. Retrieved from:
Moira Severin
Educational Psychologist
Thank you so much to all of the Grade 3 students who took part in the colouring-in competition to support The Owl Rescue Centre.
Thank you so much to each and every member of our community for all of your support of our Service initiatives over the course of the term. Please be sure to look out for the Service Challenge in our end of term assembly link to see how you can continue giving of your time in the holidays.
Wishing you all a blessed, safe and happy August holiday.
Lauren Myburgh
Junior School Head of Service
After this rather different term, the Music department says THANK YOU!
- Parents, for allowing us to teach your daughters ‘in your homes’, making devices and wifi/data available
- Our musicians, for their continued enthusiasm, diligently attending online lessons and rehearsals
- The music teachers for staying positive and finding solutions to all the obstacles.
Some thoughts from our music staff on the online journey:
What a learning curve – never a dull moment! Overcoming technical challenges, with load-shedding thrown into the equation, has spurred us towards new heights in thinking “outside the box”. Together, we’ve persevered, maintained our sense of humour, and enjoyed a colourful, creative journey!
I have found online teaching really positive. We have enough time in every lesson to go into the detail of all aspects of learning an instrument. Students have made incredible progress, because you absolutely get the most out of every lesson. Grateful for every lesson I get to teach.
I have found the girls more focused during lessons. They seem to take more ownership of their practising and learning.
Online teaching is comfy, no-rush teaching. We have gained time together with time to spare; time that is both more relaxed and more focused.
It has been such an interesting way to connect with our students. Students ‘arrive’ less rushed and in no hurry ‘to leave’. I have loved meeting the pets at home and getting to know my girls in a new way. They have definitely learned to work independently – making notes on their music by themselves, listening carefully to instructions and tuning their own instruments. As much as I look forward to teach ‘in person’ again, online lessons have more benefits than I ever anticipated.
Well done to all our courageous performers and thank you to all our parent videographers for their support and encouragement of our online concerts series.
You can watch the last few concerts by clicking on the date below:
Concert in the Lounge 9 July
Concert in the Lounge 16 July
Concert in the Lounge 23 July
We wish all our music families a happy holiday and look forward to seeing you next term.
Elsabé Fourie Mia Loock
Director of Arts & Music Head of Junior School Music