Goodwill Day Logo Kingsmead College

Our Connection: Issue 17 2019

Pomegranite ConsultingJunior School Leave a Comment

Guiding Hope: Reshaping the Narrative of Young Women in South Africa

South Africa has experienced a very challenging few weeks. Gender-based violence, xenophobia and the continued reports of crime have assaulted our senses. Our economy is concerning and poverty is on the increase, leaving South Africa with a sudden upswing in emigration. In a world of access to information, our children are exposed to these facts, but may not yet fully understand them.

At Kingsmead we believe that we have an obligation to educate beyond the curriculum. In addition, we have an intentional commitment to Transformation, Diversity and Inclusion and aim to raise a South African youth that is hopeful, committed and solution-driven. Furthermore, we stand by the commitment of our founder, D.V. Thompson and consider the needs of each child in our care when deciding on school-wide responses.

As you have seen in the media, many schools joined in protests against gender-based violence. As a school, we recognized that we needed to remain a place of hope, safety and happiness for our students and saw this as a teachable moment to empower our girls. In addition, we felt that the response of the Junior School and Senior School was justifiably different, developmentally. So while the Senior School responded openly, we chose an alternative approach to meet the needs of our Junior School students.

We realized that we wanted to address some key points through our response to this nationwide crisis that descended so close to Women’s Day, 2019. Namely, we were fighting for the rights of women in South Africa and a recognition of the roles women play in our community, and, we wanted to highlight and celebrate inspirational women in South Africa.

As a result, we responded in three ways. Firstly, we started the “HER” poster campaign. Launched on HERitage Day, we celebrated iconic South African women. This will be followed by: MotHERs, TeacHERs, HERoes, SistHERhood and TogetHER-featuring photographs of our community-parents, staff, students and alumni. In this way we celebrate the roles and contribution of women in our community. Secondly, the Jar of Hope has been initiated in our school reception and our community is invited to contribute stories of Wonderment and Awe, intentionally seeking to change the narrative of our school. Thirdly, while our Senior School students elected to wear black for the Goodwill Day walk (which is to raise money for the Kingsmead Trust) and to walk in protest, our Junior School will walk for Dignity, Respect and Hope.

The purpose of sharing these ideas is not to assume we have got it right. Rather, to suggest an approach of flexibility and awareness of the individual as well as an orientation towards solutions and a positive perspective. While we encourage our girls to have a voice, we have the responsibility to guide. South Africa needs hope, and we need a hope-full youth to drive action-oriented change going forward. We believe that it is critical that in our response to our current state of affairs, we are guided by our values, that we develop purpose, explore possibility and pursue service to others in order to share happiness through individual acts of courage.

Our future is in the hands that we have the privilege of holding and shaping today.

1 1 Kingsmead College

Dr M. Di Terlizzi
Head of Senior Primary


Flipped Classroom Day 4 October 2019 2 Kingsmead College

We have so many exciting learning opportunities ahead of us this week. The highlight is our Goodwill Day on Saturday where we celebrate our Kingsmead sisterhood and community under the banner ‘for Dignity, Respect and Hope’. In order to prepare for this whole school event, we have organised a flipped classroom day for our students.

What is a flipped classroom day?

This is where the stimulus is presented to the students in  a way that will direct their rich learning at home. Each grade receives an outline of the learning intentions, instructions regarding the task and success criteria. It is important that your daughter completes the task rigorously and submits it according to the instructions. This is a hands-on, interesting and fun learning opportunity, that often involves choice. We trust your daughter will enjoy learning off campus for the day and hope the flipped classroom tasks hold interesting and effective learning experiences for her.

Here is an outline of the tasks per grade in the Senior Primary:

Grade 4

Island Map work


Using the paper which you have been given, design a map of  an imaginary island.

Work like a cartographer: your map should be clear so adventurers can use it when they explore your island.

Helpful Hints – Include the following:


Grid lines for coordinates


You may choose to include: trees / forest/ lakes/ dams & rivers/ hills / mountains / hospital / roads / paths / bridges / railway lines / churches or other places of worship / school / other points of interest

Name the seas around your island.

Make sure the name of your island is clear.

You are encouraged to use colour to make your map interesting and colourful.

Try to connect your names of mountains, towns, lakes etc to your island name. Example: “Choco Island”: Barone Mountain, Kit-Kat Lake, Cadbury Town.

Success Criteria: We will evaluate your learning based on the following criteria:

  • Record your planning on the TASC Wheel. Draw the wheel and write on it. You need to hand it in with your map.
  • Follow the Helpful Hints to guide you.
  • Create an interesting, imaginary map
  • Completed the map according to all the instructions and with pride.

Due Date: Monday 7 October 3 Kingsmead College

 Follow each stage of the TASK Wheel to guide your process:

  1. GATHER – Show what you know about maps.
  2. IDENTIFY – design and create an imaginary Island Map. What do you need on your map? Look at the Helpful Hints.
  3. GENERATE – write down all the ideas can you think of?
  4. DECIDE – Which is the best idea?
    5.      IMPLEMENT – Draw the map
  5. EVALUATE – how well did I follow instructions?
  • Am I pleased with the end results?
  • Where could I improve?
  • Did I follow the instructions carefully?
  1. COMMUNICATE – To be done next week in class:

Share with the class next week

  1. LEARN – To be done next week in class:

Reflect on the following questions:

What did I learn?

How well did I follow the instructions.

How well did I follow the TASK Wheel?

What might I do differently next time?

Bonus Question s

  1. In which direction do swallows migrate at the beginning of winter in South Africa? Explain.
  2. Why do South African’s prefer their windows to be situated on the north side of the building?

Grade 5

Designing a Mosaic Clay Pot 4 Kingsmead College

Learning intentions: To design an Ancient Greek vase that depicts life in ancient Greece while gaining insight into this specific art form.

In Ancient Greece Times, Greek Potters were constantly changing their famous vases and pots. It was not enough to create something beautiful. It also had to be comfortable. If the vase, pot, or pitcher had a handle, that handle had to be easy to hold and fit comfortably in the grip of your hand. The Greeks considered themselves scientists as well as artists.

The designs on their pottery told a story. Some told stories of daily life. Others told stories of wars and heroes. All designs, whatever they were, had to represent something that people would find pleasing. Geometric designs had to be familiar, a design that could be found in a temple or a fabric. The colours were soothing and comfortable.

On Friday 4 October, you are required to decorate your own Greek vase for display. You will be given the template of the vase, as well as some ‘mosaic’ tiles to decorate your vase. Please take pride in the presentation of your work. Remember that your vase must tell a story of daily life in Ancient Greek Times. Have fun and enjoy this task!

You may use LEAD time on Monday and Thursday to research and plan what you would like to include on your VASE.

Due Date: Monday 7 October

Success Criteria: You will be assessed according to the following criteria…


  4 3 2 1
Submitted on time:

Followed instructions and handed in on Monday 7 October.


Demonstrates understanding of concepts


Neatness, precision, care.

Creativity/Originality: Inventiveness, expression of ideas and imagination.

Level of effort given to this task.

Grade 6


 The girls have been introduced to the terms: mean, median, mode and range, during their mathematics lessons. The learning intention for this activity is to deepen their understanding of these concepts so as to apply them in real-life contexts.

The learners will receive the task via email as well as in hard copy (booklet) on Wednesday 2 October. The task includes two sets of questions for assessment which will need to be answered based on the given data.

The task will require learners to apply their knowledge while striving for accuracy when using the four operations. This activity will serve as revision for the upcoming examinations. They are also required to gather data through their senses for an experiential understanding of the concept of averages.

The entire task booklet must be handed to their mathematics teachers on Monday 7 October for evaluation.

Grade 7

Energy Flipped Classroom  5 Kingsmead College

Date Given2 October 7X & 7Y (Wed); 3 October 7Z (Thu)

To be completed on Friday 5 October 2019

Due Date: MONDAY, 21 October 7X, 7Y & 7Z

Goals of Task:

This unit of discovery is scaffolded using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, covering the basic knowledge of energy, sources of energy vs. types of energy as well as states of energy. The students have been taught these concepts during their Grade 5 and 6 Science years and TASK 1 serves as revision.

By completing their revision TASK 1, the students will apply past knowledge to a new situation and gain a more detailed understanding of the difference between an energy transfer versus an energy transformation.

During TASK 2, the concept will be further developed through research on heat energy and the methods of heat energy transfer.

In TASK 3, the students will summarize their findings in the form of an experiment following the Scientific Method. They have the success criteria so they understand the expectations clearly.

Ingrid Beekhuizen
Head Academics and Innovation


A word from our Library ambassadors…

On Friday 20 September, Kingsmead Junior School had the joy of hosting an internationally successful, award-winning children’s author – Andy Griffiths. He was touring South Africa to launch his new book, 117-Storey Treehouse. He entertained us and endless laughter was the order of his show.

7 Kingsmead College

9 Kingsmead College


Thank you to all the entries received for the World’s Wackiest Joke. Below are some of the best jokes that were submitted across Grades 2-7:

I realise people are prisoners with their phones. That’s why they call them CELL-PHONES. Kagiso Rasebotsa Grade 3T *food for thought

Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake.  Jordyn Knowles Grade 4M

What do you call a python that eats too much? A PYFAT
Tarryn Faure Grade 5X1

What do you call a bear without teeth. A gummy Bear.
Luarinda in Grade 4M

Why are shellfish always alone? Because they are selfish!
Ziza Denton  Grade 5X1

Two guys liked the same girl, an entrepreneur and a doctor. The entrepreneur gave the girl an apple, but the doctor gave her a rose. Why did the entrepreneur give the girl an apple? Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  Zaara Banwa Grade 5X

What do you call a gorilla with ear muffs? Anything you want, it can’t hear you! Erin Grubb Grade 6Z

How does Harry Potter go down the hill? Walking, but JK goes rolling (ROWLING).
Anna Tilney Grade 7 Z1

Congratulations to Amy Wilson for winning the Andy Griffiths Hamper!11 2 Kingsmead College

2 donkeys are standing at a roadside.

Donkey 1: So shall we cross the road?

Donkey 2: [staring at the zebra crossing] No way! Look at what happened to the zebra.
Amy Wilson Grade 5Y





Goodwill Day Logo Kingsmead College

September 2019

Dear Kingsmead College Community

We are excited about Goodwill Day this year and invite the entire community to come and enjoy the day with us on Saturday, 5 October, from 08h00-13h30. The programme is packed with many exciting activities to gather the Kingsmead community, to engage with our community partners and celebrate the school’s birthday.

Delicious food and handmade goods will be on sale. Engage with our partner organisations on the day by donating hair for A Few Grey Hairs, feeding a bunny from The Bunny Hop Haven, boxing with Fight with Insight, supporting the SANBS blood drive and enjoying the Courage arts exhibition, to name but a few. A detailed programme will be published on Facebook and the Kingsmead College app.


In an attempt to make Goodwill Day more family friendly and to provide an area for the parents, the PTA will host a Brunch Garden on the Music Lawn. Join us for a glass of champagne, gin or beer, enjoy delicious food on the lawn, while watching rugby and listening to live music.


The entrance fee is a donation of gently worn clothes and shoes in support of Clothes To Good. Due to the overwhelming response in the past, collection points for clothing donations will be set up before Goodwill Day. Donation bags will be provided and donations can be dropped off on campus from the second week of term.


The Walk in Colour will start at 8h30 from the Tyrwhitt gate (ending at the Tottenham gate). Coffee will be sold from 08h00. Registration forms for the Walk in Colour will be handed out at school via LEAD/Form Teachers on Tuesday, 17 September and must be returned by Thursday, 26 September. Children under 4 walk for free. Green wristbands will be issued for all walkers during the first week of October. Walk in Colour funds are raised in aid of the Kingsmead Trust and there will be a prize for the class who raises the most funds.


The Games Area at Goodwill Day will include a variety of bigger games, in addition to the many carnival games organised by the Grade 8 and 9 students. The Games Area will be open from 09h00 until 13h30 and will include age appropriate games for children from 2 to 17 years. Children under 6 must be under strict parental supervision. Please note that all games are played at the child’s own risk and parents are encouraged to monitor their own child’s welfare regularly.

Black wristbands will be sold for R150 and will be available from Wednesday, 18 September, from the Music Reception. This wristband will give children unlimited access to all the games (this excludes the Haunted House). Alternatively, black wristbands can be charged to your Kingsmead school account with the following form (this form will be active until Wednesday 2 October): Please click here  (letter and link available on Kingsmead College app).

Goodwill Programme 2019 page 0001 Kingsmead College

Blood Drive Poster 2 Kingsmead College


Jenny Venter
Director of Service


From the Sports Desk



12 Kingsmead College

Congratulations to Jade Anderson, Francesca Logan, Sarah Florence, Rania Motara, Zuhayra Ebrahim and Taylor Prinsloo who were awarded Provincial Colours by the Gauteng Equestrian Federation and competed at the National Championship last week.

The following girls did particularly well and were placed in the top of their classes

Jade Anderson: 

1st in Level 4 Equitation

4th in Level 3 Handy Hunter

5th in Level 4 Show Jumping

Rania Motara: 

6th in Level 1 Performance Riding


Our newcomers did us proud and achieved a lovely set of results.

Nuhaa Patel:

2nd in Level 0 Working Riding

6th in Level 0 Dressage A&B

Humayrah Ebrahim:

4th in Level 0 Dressage B

Congratulations to our girls for a very successful year!


Congratulations to our athletes who took part in the Interschools athletics meeting at St Andrews on Friday 27th September 2019. The team was placed 2nd out of 5 schools. This is a very good start to the season.

We would like to remind all our parents that the girls can only leave once the meeting has come to an end.

Water Polo – Gauteng Schools

The following girls have made the final training squads for Gauteng Schools Water Polo teams. Final teams will be announced at the end of October.


Francesca Druce

Jessica Stevens

Kim Sutherland


Amelia Brown

Kate Chapman

Emma Keast

Kagano Khoncha

Dihana Punjabi

Special Achievements.

Congratulations to Zahra Khan who has been chosen to represent Central Gauteng in Level 6 at the National Gymnastics Championships in Cape Town.


Please note that we will not be taking part in the festivals mentioned below due to clashes with Athletics relay practices.

19 October

7 November


We would like to remind our parental body that our Inter House Athletics will be taking place on the Tuesday 15 October 2019 at Johannesburg Campus of Education. We aim to start at 5pm and will be done by 8pm. Please note that this is a compulsory school event for the girls.  The school will provide transport to the venue. We ask that the girls be collected from the venue.

Sheillah Muchauraya
Junior School Head of Sports

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