The original proverb actually referred specifically to young women who were expected to keep quiet. This statement, dating back to the 15th century, is still often referred to today when referencing children in general. So what do we really think of our children’s proposed silence as we embrace the fourth industrial revolution?
Many educational institutions often refer to the need for our youth to have a ‘Voice’ – to speak out against the injustices of today, offer their valid opinions, share their experiences; and at Kingsmead more recently, to “Tell their Stories”. This is particularly valuable when we encourage girls to seek solutions to changing environmental and economic circumstances. If we continue to believe that the children in our classrooms at the moment are the leaders who will be looking after our world when we are old, then surely we should be encouraging open, hearty conversation and debate at the dinner table? Girls should be raised to feel empowered to seek possibility in current circumstances, to find hope for their own future. Yes, it is time for us to create open spaces to listen to our children more closely.
While I firmly believe children should be heard – loudly – in contexts which threaten their safety or well-being; I do also believe that we should be nurturing a youth who value the opinion of others, listen deeply to each other and then make the choice to sound their ‘voice’ when and where appropriate.
During our assembly this week, I shared circumstances where our opinions are different and where perspectives change depending on the context as a whole. The girls embraced the idea of difference and could hopefully see that although their voices are important- sometimes what we need to do is to listen more and speak less.
Choices are key when it comes to raising your voice. Adults and children alike could learn more from strong debate and conversation if they were open to a difference of opinion and in turn a choice of response. What we also sometimes seem to forget is that while we love hearing the creative, fresh opinions of our girls, their ability to reason logically and with sound judgement often requires a higher level of maturity and physical, neurological development. Kathy Nunley, an Educational Psychologist and researcher, who recently visited Kingsmead, reminded us that this ability actually often matures at the start of their 20’s. While we expect children to use their voices, we still have the responsibility to guide their choices.
So back to the age old proverb – ‘children should be seen and not heard’. Perhaps we should be establishing some expectations at home and at school. A voice without reason is something easily replaced by ‘artificial intelligence’. While your voice is important, your choice to use it wisely, with respect and compassion is what makes us human. Perhaps ‘being seen’ equates to listening with empathy and understanding; being present in the moment, so that when you are heard, it is relevant and substantiated. This way, I believe we have the gift of empowering our young girls to use their voice of reason and compassion so that we can all move into the next century with strength.
As we begin the second semester at Kingsmead Junior School, I hope for well-considered and meaningful conversations where our daughters are both seen and heard.
Please be reminded that we do have a few girls who are severely allergic to nuts and nut products. We request that parents assist us in creating an allergy aware environment.
As a school community, we need to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students. As a means of taking reasonable precaution the following is requested:
- Please avoid packing any nuts or nut products into school lunch bags
- All staff and outside service providers will be requested not to bring nuts or nut products to school
- Education regarding allergy awareness with the students and staff will take place continually.
Kim Lowman
Head: Junior School
Donate a Lock of Hair
Kingsmead College hosted another successful Donate a Lock of Hair event in collaboration with A Few Grey Hairs. The donated hair is used to make wigs for woman and children who have lost their hair. Donors can track their hair donation through the app, Hairs with Love.
Winter Warmer
Rays of Hope is grateful to the Kingsmead community for the generous donations during the Winter Warmer initiative. Other beneficiaries of the Winter Warmer are Impilo, Itemba Soup Kitchen, Sunshine Centre Association, Park Care, Fight with Insight and St Vincent School for the Deaf.
Make and Donate a Sleeping Bag on Mandela Day
Kingsmead College, in collaboration with Community Hours, is hosting a Make-and-Donate-a-Sleeping-Bag event on Mandela Day (18 July 2019). Sleeping bags will be made from newspaper and recycled plastic and a handmade scarf will be placed in every sleeping bag. These sleeping bags will be distributed to the homeless.
Schools and visitors are invited to give 67 minutes for Mandela Day to make a sleeping bag and raise awareness for homelessness. Sessions start from 08h00 until 16h00 at Kingsmead College (entrance in Tottenham Avenue). A registration fee of R100 will cover the cost of the material. Teams or individuals are invited to join us on the day. For more information or to book, please email service@kingsmead.co.za
Vendor Invitation to Goodwill Day 2019
Kingsmead College’s annual Goodwill Day is a day of giving back to the various organisations we support. This day will not only be a fundraising event for our partner organisations, but will include various activities that will benefit and showcase these organisations. We will also celebrate Kingsmead College’s 86th birthday. The day will start at 08h00 and end at 13h30 on Saturday 5 October.
The programme will be filled with a variety of fun activities for the whole family. We will begin with a Fun Walk at 08h30, and refreshments will be available from 08h00. There will be a Tea Garden, a Games area and a range of beautiful homemade goods and delicious food for sale.
All proceeds will be given to the Community Engagement partners who will be represented on the day.
All the craft stalls and food vendors will be situated around the Games area and the layout will be done to ensure equal support for all the vendors. Stalls can be reserved at a cost of R400.
Please note that only craft stalls with handmade goods will be allowed and photos of products will be requested. We reserve the right to determine vendor allocation and placement according to our campus layout and event requirements, in order to give all vendors the best opportunity we can for maximum sales. We do limit the number of vendors for similar items, and we reserve the right to determine which vendors will be accepted.
Please contact us if you would like to book a stall. The booking form, payment details and more information will be then be forwarded to you.
Craft stalls: Maureen Ellis maureen52ellis@gmail.com 0829013437
Food stalls: Thato Makae service@kingsmead.co.za 0117317315
We look forward to hosting you at Goodwill Day 2019.
Jenny Venter
Director of Service
Grade 7 Production: DROUGHT BREAKER
A firm favourite on the Arts calendar and a definite highlight of the Grade 7 year, is the annual Grade 7 production. This year was no different and our girls wowed the audience with their confident storytelling of a wonderful African tale. Our young actors’ talents were complimented by colourful costumes, exquisite make-up and sensitive musical support. Congratulations to our Grade 7 girls and a BIG thank you to the team of teachers who inspired, encouraged and supported our girls throughout the exciting process.
Upcoming Events
Please note that the concerts will start 18h00 not 17h30. This is to accommodate our working parents. Tea and coffee will be available from 17h30.
Music Concerts:
Tuesday 9 July Grade 3 & 4 Music Concert
Tuesday 16 July Grade 1 & 2 Music Concert
Tuesday 23 July Grade 5-7 Music Concert
Magic of Music: Thursday 18 July 2019
As per the school calendar, the annual ‘Magic of Music’ will take place on Thursday the 18th of July. The Grade 4-7 Choir, Junior Orchestra and Drum Gym Group will be performing at this event.
The arrangements are as follow:
Wits Linder Auditorium, Parktown Education Campus
15h45 Registration at Cecil Gate
16h00 Buses depart from Kingsmead
16h20 Arrive at the auditorium; line up
16h30 Run through on stage
18h00 to 20h00 Concert
- The girls will receive a small pizza and fruit after our stage run though; please send a bottle of water with your daughter.
- Please click here if you would like your daughter to make use of the bus to the Linder Auditorium. Girls must please meet at Cecil gate for registration no later than 15h45.
- The buses will NOT return to Kingsmead so if you are not attending the concert, please collect your daughter from the Linder Auditorium.
- The girls must wear their winter uniform for this event – no tracksuits please.
- Entrance is free but is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
- ALL participants are expected to stay until the end of the concert to support the other schools. Please do not take your daughter home early.
Mia Loock Elsabé Fourie
Head of Music: Junior School Director of Music & Arts
mloock@kingsmead.co.za efourie@kingsmead.co.za
From the Sports Desk
SANESA Gauteng Regional Finals
Congratulations to our riders who based on their results over all qualifiers have been selected to represent Johannesburg District at Gauteng Regional Finals on the 10th and 11th of August 2019:
Amy Falcon:
B Team for Showjumping
Francesca Logan:
A Team for Performance Riding, Working Riding, Working Hunter and Equitation
B Team for Showjumping
Helena van der Merwe:
A Team for Prix Caprilli A
Jade Anderson:
A Team for Performance Riding 1, Performance Riding 3, In Hand Utility, Equitation and Showjumping
B Team for Dressage 2 A & B, Dressage 3 A & B and Showjumping
Katherine Papadopoulos:
A Team for Showjumping
B Team Prix Caprilli A
Rania Motara:
A Team for Performance Riding, Working Riding, In Hand Utility and Dressage A
B Team for Dressage B
Sarah Florence:
A Team for Prix Caprilli B and Showjumping
B Team for Equitation and Showjumping
Taylor Prinsloo:
A Team for Prix Caprilli B
B Team for Equitation
Zuhayra Ebrahim:
A Team for Dressage A & B
B Team for Working Riding
We wish them all the very best and look forward to following their progress.
Well done to all our players who took part in the Inter House Netball on Friday 28 June. Below were the results:
Barons 71
Thanes 58
Knights 52
EC Term 2B is currently underway. The schedule is available on the school APP. Order of Play and team lists will be posted on the APP every week on Wednesday afternoon. Girls are also reminded to check the sports notice board daily.
Sport Practices
On behalf of the sports department, I would like to encourage parents to attend and support the girls at our sport fixtures only. Practice sessions are important for the girls and the coaches to fine tune game play and technique. It is an invasion of privacy and against the PoPI (Protection of Personal Information) Act when parents take pictures or videos at practices or matches without the permission of the individuals. If parents have any concerns that they would like to share with regards to Junior School sport please email smuchauraya@kingsmead.co.za or give us a ring and we will gladly hear your concerns and will always endeavour to find solutions.
I look forward to seeing as many of you at the side of the hockey field this term.
Sheillah Muchauraya
Junior School Head of Sports