Dear Kingsmead Community,
With only a few sleeps to go until our August holiday, I thought it necessary to impart a message of ‘hope’ centered around one of our Kingsmead Values, possibility, especially as we creep closer to spring and all the new beginnings that await us. I will also impart this as my central message in our final assembly, on 5 August with the students.
While, reading John Maxwell’s book ‘The Complete 101 Collection, I stumbled across this quote: “If you embrace possibility thinking, your dreams will go from molehill to mountain size, and because you believe in possibilities, you put yourself in a position to achieve them.” John C. Maxwell.
Our winter term has brought with it so much possibility. To name a few, we started by celebrating our annual Book Fair, which was launched beautifully at an assembly and Youth Day, reminding us of the importance to instill a sense of hope for our future as young South Africans. Furthermore, all of our contributions to Mandela Day, on Monday 18th of July.
Semester 2 remains ‘open’ until December, I want to remind both parents and students that so much possibility awaits you; possibility to engage as individuals in many opportunities to grow and learn. By focusing on individual strengths, we can ensure that each student at Kingsmead believes in the possibility for a happy and fulfilled future.
I encourage each staff member, each parent and each girl to reflect and to consider your responsibility to actively seek opportunities to contribute meaningfully – to find possibility in every month, week, day and event presented as we move forward in 2022.
Again, I hope that you have reflected on your daughters’ reports that were sent out in June, and the Mornington reports coming out at the close of term and to find many reasons to celebrate possibility as the year continues.
So if you are still learning what your talents are, go after them, make choices that help you discover all you were meant to be. This is God’s gifts to you!
I will be sending a communication in the last week of term, to prepare you for the start of Term 3.
With love and Courage Always,
Tarryn McLaren
Acting Head: Kingsmead Junior School

Semester 1 Awards
Our students at Kingsmead are recognised for both their individual growth and achievements, as well as their contribution within a group. We strive to recognise achievements so as to:
- Celebrate the individual achievements of students across the academic, sport, art and cultural platforms.
- Foster a sense of intrinsic motivation as opposed to acting in a manner for extrinsic recognition.
- Develop a realistic sense of self in comparison to personal progress within a healthy competitive environment
- Encourage holistic development at a developmentally appropriate level.
Students are acknowledged and celebrated in a number of ways:
- Immediate acknowledgement in the classroom and within extramural environments
- Public communication in newsletters and social media posts where appropriate
- Weekly assemblies, morning connections in LEAD and break times
- Celebratory final term and semester assemblies
On the 5th August, to conclude our first semester of 2022, we will hold a Celebration Assembly. We look forward to acknowledging some of our students in the form of Music and Sport awards, as well as to take this opportunity to celebrate Inyoni and Franc Ha Leal recipients.
While excellence is encouraged and celebrated in a number of ways, it is also imperative to focus on the process of learning and personal growth which occurs during this journey.
Whether your daughter receives an award or not we want to encourage all parents and guardians to stop for a minute. Acknowledge and share in her excitement and pride, or her own real disappointment. But then pause and redirect her, and, if needed, yourself. This is but a moment in time and does not define who your daughter is. Talk your child through this year’s learning journey, focusing on the happy memories, lessons learned, the new and exciting discoveries, the personal growth, the skills developed and the relationships cultivated. Celebrate these incomparable and significant intrinsic benefits throughout her experiences. In doing this, you help your child stay focused on what is most valuable and guide them to develop resilience and emotional maturity.
I leave you with the words of our great founder, Miss DV Thompson in 1936. “I should like to feel that whatever the work each girl is going to do eventually, will be done with all the thoroughness she can muster and that each will realise, above all, that education does not cease with the gaining of a certificate, but that it begins there.”
Sjaneen Pretorius
Deputy Head: Academics and Innovation
Grade 7 Production: The Claw
After months of preparations, rehearsals and planning, the week finally arrived for the annual Grade 7 play. This year the Grade 7s took us on a trip down memory lane, remembering our childhood favourites like the Care bears, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and dinosaur soft toys. The story of friendship, courage and persistence was beautifully told and coloured in with music, singing and dancing. The costumes were an explosion of colour and fun. Thank you to the teachers, parents and our stars, the Grade 7s, who made this event the joy and success it was.
Reflections from the Grade 7 students
Butterflies filled my stomach knowing that in just a few hours the stage would be ours. Suddenly it all seemed real! Our costumes were on and our makeup done after the 100th squiggly eye liner attempt. I could see the neon lights flashing in the corner of my eye. Suddenly, girls came dashing out onto the stage and a song that I’ve heard more than a million times blasted through the speakers. It was now engraved in my brain like a coffee stain on a white shirt. I played my heart out and really felt the sense of belonging playing in the band. Song after song, line after line, it went on and on.
After hours practising morning, afternoon and even late at night, I couldn’t believe that within a blink of an eye it was over. The bittersweet feeling rushed in as I left the stage for the last time. Pools of tears filled my eyes but it was tears of joy. I couldn’t believe it. I can clearly remember my early days at Kingsmead, dreaming of my Grade 7 days and yet it’s now coming to an end. I still remember at the beginning of the year feeling like this time would never come and suddenly my one and only Grade 7 production is over. Time really is going way too fast but I’m so grateful for this opportunity. Thank you to every single one who helped put this amazing production together. It couldn’t have been more sublime.
By Safiya Vally
I remember the night very clearly as I went to watch my sister’s Grade 7 production. The costumes were just as colourful and vibrant as the lighting and the music was light-hearted. As I sat in the crowd, watching everyone singing and dancing, I thought about the distant future and the moment that I would be able to participate in the Grade 7 production.
As I first walked onto the stage we would be performing on, I felt a strong feeling of nostalgia and pride. Playing in the band has been a struggle, with long nights and hours and hours of practice. However, it has been an unforgettable experience and I feel as though I have improved in my piano playing. Being surrounded by talented musicians and euphoric music was a bit overwhelming but so much fun. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the play in the breaks I had in between the songs and I am overjoyed with the final result of the production. I think we did an amazing job and sincerely congratulate everyone for an incredible performance. Thank you to Grade 7 and all the teachers for an experience I will never forget!
By Amy Teubes
The anticipation for the start of the Grade 7 Production was unimaginable! I can still vividly remember Miss G sitting us down to tell us about “The Claw”. Auditions came and went, bringing disappointment, pride and happiness. Then came the acting. I am beyond proud of the talent that this year’s Grade 7’s have. We reached the final stretch after many forgotten lines and lots of blood, sweat and tears. The last two weeks were jam packed with rehearsals. Giving up our weekends, lessons and extra murals was all worth it.
The first performance was utterly terrifying. Although a few mishaps occurred, it was still a spectacular play! Going up onto the stage for the first time, I couldn’t help but grin the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME.
The final performance is something I will hold close to my heart forever. Being surrounded by my friends, family and teachers as I performed was an amazing experience. After the play, it all came crashing down. It was over. If you told me I would’ve cried about a play, I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s safe to say that many tears were shed. I am so, so, SO grateful for the teacher’s contribution and help. Thank you Grade 7’s for some of the best memories in my lifetime.
By Isabella Cadman
I remember the day of the auditions as I was so nervous. At first, I wanted to audition for one of the Flair Bears but my friends said that I would make a great Dot (one of the main characters). I felt scared but I did it anyway. When the results came out, I was so happy to see that I got the role as Dot!
We spent six months preparing for this production and I enjoyed every moment! Although we shared joys and tears, it was worth it. I got to talk to people I wouldn’t normally talk to and got closer with other people. We worked so hard and I would like to thank all of the teachers who put the production together. I had so much fun and this production will be a very special memory for me. This production has definitely made my year.
By Boipelo Semenya.
Wow! I am so grateful that I can say that I was part of the Grade 7 production of 2022! It feels so unreal now that it’s over. The time, effort, sweat and tears we put in was all worth it. If I have learnt anything from this experience is that not everything is just about one person, on their own. Not one of us did it alone and our peers were all so supportive every step of the way. The memories I have made from this production have been so special and will be live with me forever. Thank you.
By Robyn Herold.
It’s moments like these when I realise how lucky I am to be in such an amazing school with incredible individuals. Production helped us all become closer with each other, enabling us to create lasting memories. I enjoyed every moment leading up to the performances and all our hard work and dedication paid off! Well done to the Grade 7’s of 2022. I am incredibly privileged to be part of such an amazing group of girls.
By Thandeka Nzimakwe.
There has been great excitement in Mornington with the development of our Third Classroom, the garden.
Sonita Young, a landscaper who specialises in educational garden landscaping has been working with the teachers to develop a garden that will encourage curiosity and exploration.
The gardens were opened this month to the great excitement of the preschool girls. The lazy river has already stimulated many experiments and constructions where the girls have discovered that logs float along the river and under the bridge, that they could construct a bridge to cross the river and that by using big pebbles that could make a beaver dam and stop the water. The mud kitchens have inspired many chefs to create flower soup, mud cupcakes and we expect many more hours to be spent ‘cooking’ in the area.
Our delightful treehouse has evoked fantasy play and the girls have used it to build stories about animals, families and adventures.
The front garden awaits the arrival of bugs for our insect hotel, birds in the bird bath and feeders and the guinea pigs are very happy in their new home. We have already made delicious salad from our vegetable garden and Spring will bring many planting days with strawberries, carrots, beans etc on the menu.
The sensory pathway into the Wendy house has also encouraged great walks and we look forward to our bamboo tunnel growing to add to the excitement.
We look forward to many more hours of exploring in the wonderful gardens and invite parents and students to come and visit us.
Arts & Music
Two weeks ago, we hosted out first ‘live’ Kingsmead Masicule Sonke Junior Schools Choir festival at Rosebank Union Church. The Kingsmead Grade 4-7 Choir sang with incredible energy and gusto, and it was an absolute delight to watch their outstanding performance. Six other school joined us for the two evenings of choral singing and it was evident by the audience’s enthusiastic response how much our school communities have missed these events.
Music Concerts
We look forward to our last few concerts of the term:
Tuesday 26 July: Grade 4 & 5 Concert in Joel hall
Thursday 28 July: Grade 6 & 7 Concert in Joel hall
Tuesday 2 August: Junior School Voice Concert (venues TBC)
Marimba Fun Day: Saturday 30 July
Our MARIMBA FUN DAY will take place this Saturday 30 July at Kingsmead on the music lawns. The purpose is to perform all the songs each group have learned for each other and celebrate making music together. It will be a super fun morning just for our own marimba bands.

The details are as follows:
- 9:00-11:00 Grade 1-7 Marimba bands to perform
- Every band must choose a theme and dress up accordingly
- Bring a picnic blanket
- The Matric Dance Committee will sell some treats and Jabula will be open for hot drinks and food.
We hope to see all our marimba band members and families on Saturday!
Elsabé Fourie
Director of Arts & Music

Mia Loock
Head of Junior School Music
Grade 3 Hockey
We were outstanding in our first games, which were against Brescia & St Katharine’s on 14 July. The week after was filled with excitement and our Grade 3 hockey students could not wait to compete in the annual Roedean Hockey Festival on Thursday, July 21. Our teams competed against teams from Holy Rosary, St Peter’s, Roedean, St Andrew’s, and St Mary’s, among other schools. We entered the field with purpose and played with unmistakable Kingsmead bravery. Congratulations to all Grade 3 players.
Friday Fixtures
Well done to all players who participated in the Hockey matches against St Mary’s and St Stithian’s the past two weeks. The players showed excellent sportsmanship and teamwork.
15 July vs St Mary’s
KMC 4A vs ST MARY’S 4A | 2-0 LOSS |
KMC 4B vs ST MARY’S 4B | 2-1 WIN |
KMC 4C vs ST MAR’YS 4C | 1-0 LOSS |
KMC 4C vs ST MARY’S 4D | 4-0 WIN |
KMC 5A vs ST MARY’S 5A | 0-0 DRAW |
KMC 5B vs ST MARY’S 5B | 2-0 LOSS |
KMC 5C vs ST MARY’S 5C | 0-0 DRAW |
KMC 6A vs ST MARY’S 6A | 1-1 DRAW |
KMC 6B vs ST MARY’S 6B | 1-2 LOSS |
KMC 6B vs ST MARY’S 6C | 1-0 WIN |
KMC 7A vs ST MARY’S 7A | 2-0 LOSS |
KMC 7B vs ST MARY’S 7B | 1-2 LOSS |
KMC 7B vs ST MARY’S 7C | 1-0 WIN |
22 July vs St Stithian’s
I kindly request that on Fridays, parents only collect players after the conclusion of the final game. All players are strongly encouraged to stick around for the remainder of the afternoon to support each team.
Grade 4 & 5 Hockey Festivals
Well done to all players that participated in the Grade 4 & 5 Hockey Festivals which took place on Saturday 16 July. The players showed true grit and courage throughout the day.
Upcoming Events
Grade 000 – 3 Fun Sports
Please come down and support our Junior Primary students in their Fun Sports. The students have been working hard on their skill and are very excited to show these skills off to their parents. We have had such fun so far this week with the Grade 0, 2 & 3 girls and look forward to the remainder of the mornings this week. Cold drinks and snacks will also be on sale each day.
Thursday 28 July – Grade 3 Hockey Fixture vs St Peter’s/ St Katherine’s
– Matches will take place at Kingsmead.
Friday 29 July – Grade 4 & 5 Hockey vs St Peter’s (Teams to be confirmed and on app by Wednesday)
– Matches will take place at St Peter’s. ALL PLAYERS TO MEET AT THE GYM BY 13:00 TO TRAVEL ON BUS.
Friday 29 July – Grade 6 & 7 Hockey vs St Peter’s (Teams to be confirmed and on app by Wednesday)
– Matches will take place at Kingsmead.
Grade 3-7 Inter-House Athletics
Our Grade 3-7 Inter-House Athletics day is fast approaching; we are elated to be able to enjoy sporting events as a school once again. Trials have taken place during physical education lessons and teams have been created based on these results. The full programme will be uploaded onto the App for the event.
Please take note of the following:
Date: 6 September 2022 (Tuesday – first day of Term 3)
Time: 09h00 – 12h00
Venue: Wanderers Stadium
Further information will be sent out closer to the time.
A few reminders for parents & guardians:
- Please send any sport achievements (school & non-school) to Mrs. Hanekom.
- A reminder to please download the Kingsmead app as this will be the direct method of communication to parents on sport fixture days.
- All team lists will be published on the app by no later than the Tuesday for a Thursday fixture and the Wednesday before the Friday fixture.
- A reminder to refer to the week ahead document on the app under the Sport section.
Yours in sport
Shavaun Hanekom
Head of Junior School Sport
Mandela Day 2022
“There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to help others” —Nelson Mandela”. This quote resonated throughout the Junior Primary this past Mandela Day.
Our little people were super excited to get involved in the 2022 Mandela Day. All I can say is WOW. A huge thank you to all our parents for their contributions and donations to the most successful of days.
The Mornington and Grade R girls made the most delicious soup to distribute in cups on their way home as well as tubs of soup. They put their culinary skills to the test by cutting up, grating and peeling vegetables. They made over 50 liters of soup. All the additional vegetables were distributed as well.
In Grade 1 each girl made three sandwiches accompanied with a sweet handwritten note for the recipients of the sandwiches.
Our Grade 2 girls enjoyed cutting up warm fleecy fabric to make scarves that will be sent with the sleeping bag for extra warmth.
Our Grade 3 girls all had the opportunity to put together a sleeping bag. The process of putting together the sleeping bag was carefully done by our Grade Three girls. A total of 67 sleeping bags were made on the day.
Well done to our Junior Primary on your amazing efforts. “Service to others leads to greatness” Jim Rohn
Raeesa Kaka
“It always seems impossible until it is done.” – Nelson Mandela
A highlight for the Service Team this year was Mandela Day, which took place on the 18th of July, in the sunshine on the Music Lawns. It was the first time in two years we were able to participate in such a wonderful initiative. We made 67 sleeping bags to donate to homeless people. The sleeping bags are creatively made out of recycled newspaper and plastic, which provides durability and insulation, keeping someone warm this winter. Each class from grade 3 – 7 participated as well as the Senior School and various external volunteers.
Service is one of Kingsmead’s values which means it is an integral part of the way learn.
An on-going project we initiate is Buddy Reading, where learners from a Non-Profit Organisation (NGO) – Rays of Hope, join us once a month in a fun-filled day of playing, reading and being creative. The learners are joined by our Kingsmead girls, who volunteer their time to assist in reading to the learners, playing with them and guiding them in their creative activities. A highlight for them was the Book Fair, where they were able to join in the programme of the day and enjoy the delicious food from the food stalls.
In the Senior Primary, each grade links up with an Organisation to visit them during the course of the year. The Grade 4s visited Fight with Insight, a boxing gym, which provides sports programmes to at risk youth, where the girls were able to learn how to box as well as assist in cleaning the gym.
The Grade 5s were, unfortunately, unable to visit the Sunshine Association, due to strict covid protocols however, they did give back by making beautiful Easter cards for the children. We hope they will visit next term.
The Grade 6s have made getting to school early worth-while with their hot chocolate sales, selling each delicious mug of hot chocolate for R20. The proceeds of these sales will go to JAM (Joint Aid Management) Organisation, which is a relief groups, focusing on supporting vulnerable children and orphans. Our previous update on the amount of the proceeds totaled over R20 000!
The Grade 7s have partnered up with Dlala Nje, a community center in the Ponte Towers, which provides a safe space to children in and around the area. The girls are looking forward to visiting them next term.
Paige Finch

KBF Young Writers’ Competition
Congratulations to Vittoria d’Onofrio who won the Age 6-7 category of the Kingsmead Young Writers’ Competition!
The standard was extremely high and the judges were amazed by the young literary talent in our country – we had 339 submissions from around the country. Vittoria’s entry The Rhino and the Butterfly stood out and the judges loved the storyline about the heartwarming friendship between the big rhino and the little butterfly who realised she could rescue him even though she was so little.
We also congratulate our students who received a highly commended from our judges:
- Angela Ball – Grade 1
- Reese Harris – Grade 3
- Clara van der Want – Grade 5
- Drishti Desai – Grade 7
- Hope Ngwenya – Grade 8
- Grace Gilfillan – Grade 8