Dear Kingsmead Community,
The stage is ready and set for the start of the third and final term of 2021. The gardens and buildings are looking beautiful. Mornington Preschool has been restored and cannot wait to welcome the joyful laughter of our youngest daughters. The classrooms, music and dance studios, pool and sports fields are alive and buzzing with the renewed and positive energy. It is good to have all our students back at school. We will not take our calendar and time to connect for granted. Each day together is a good day.
During the course of this month we have the opportunity to celebrate Heritage Day as South Africans. This public holiday creates time and intention to celebrate the diversity and cultural richness that makes us unique as a country. During the days leading up to Heritage Day, I encourage us all to talk, tell our stories and begin to believe that we have purpose and vision for our future.
The Junior School staff embraced the opportunity to engage in critical, meaningful and authentic conversations at the start of this term. Noluthando Mdhuli inspired our teams during the TDI conversations – Asikhulume – Let’s Talk. It was a time for reflection and honesty, trust and support. I am hopeful that this is the greatest start we can imagine for a directed, energized term ahead.
Covid protocols reminder:
The announcement from the President on Sunday evening was well-received. We welcome a return to adjusted level 2 restrictions and will be making some internal adjustments at school too. With the growing number of vaccinations within our adult community, we are hopeful for less disruption to the learning and teaching initiatives at school. Having said that, we remain cautious and mindful of the safety of our students and their families. It is important that we do not succumb to ‘Covid fatigue’ during the course of the next three months. Please do not send your daughters to school if they are unwell; please provide effective, properly fitting masks and remind them not to share lunches and water bottles.
Due to the nature of primary school education, we will not be offering any online or recorded lessons for families who choose to keep their daughters at home. Individual circumstances will be taken into account for students who are isolating or in quarantine. Detailed communication from the Deputy Heads will be shared to explain the hybrid offering for the various circumstances.
Our aim and goal is to maximise the onsite learning opportunities, while continuing to innovate and improve our digital learning needs.
Stay safe and well.
Kim Lowman
Head: Kingsmead Junior School
The Power of Possibility
One of the Kingsmead values we embrace, is that of possibility: to focus on the individual, ensuring each student reaches their full potential.
More recently, Kingsmead College was represented at Thinking Schools South Africa – The Know How Series – Practical Strategies for Habits of Mind by TSSA Trainer in Habits of Mind and Kingsmead Junior, Deputy Head, Tarryn McLaren. This was a moment to highlight how we assist and support each of our students to achieve their best within their learning spaces.
By academic achievement, we don’t just mean achieving good results, more importantly to us, we mean developing a love of learning and a ‘hunger’ to grow academically. This aligns with the Growth Mindset theory, which suggests that we can grow our brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems. But what does embracing a growth mindset actually mean for your daughter at Kingsmead? The 16 Habits of Mind, explicitly taught at Kingsmead help her to discover the practical implications of growth mindset for the way she learns, completes tasks and assessments, how her teachers provide feedback and reflective practice.
Students who strive to achieve academic success boast certain characteristics, to some success is highly nuanced, so it is not an exhaustive list as suggested below.
They have a growth mindset – Habit of Mind ‘Remaining Open to Continuous Learning’
A growth mindset is a deeply held belief that a person can learn anything given enough time and effort. Carol Dweck is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. She is the world’s most recognised student of the mindset trait. In her 2014 Ted talk, she spoke about growth mindset in terms of, ‘The power of yet’. When your child says, “I can’t do this”, then you need to add, “Yet. I can’t do this yet”. This is the belief that we are born with fixed abilities, and these will limit our potential.
They are brave – Habit of Mind ‘Take Responsible Risks’
Brave students are going to be the ones who take risks and have lots of experiences. They can use those experiences powerfully in their learning and growing. They quickly establish what they love and loathe and then they are more likely to create a life they love. They are also going to be the students who take learning risks that lead to lateral, out-of-the-box thinking. The world needs that kind of thinker.
Bravery is about taking on daunting challenges, feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Bravery is not the absence of fear. Sometimes when we talk to our kids we say, “Don’t be afraid” or “Don’t be silly, it’s going to be fine”. This implies that fear is something to be ashamed of. It isn’t. Fear is human and to be expected, but it also needs to be overcome. That won’t just happen by magic. It comes with modelling, teaching, and explaining.
They are consistent and persistent – Habit of Mind ‘Persisting’
Learning happens slowly and consistently. It is the willingness to practise that contributes to success as a student.
They can deal with failure Habit of Mind ‘Metacognition’
Failure is one of the greatest tools in the learning process. Unfortunately, too many people are simply overwhelmed by the feeling of failure rather than being able to stand back and look at the lessons it can teach us. Having the tenacity to stare down failure is an extraordinary skill and it goes hand in hand with grit. Both can be taught.
Teach your daughter to look at failure in an analytical way: What are its consequences? What can be learned from the experience?
They set goals – Habit of Mind ‘Striving for Accuracy’
Goal setting focuses a student’s attention on certain behaviours and information and away from distractions. Research tells us that incremental goals are far more effective than large goals. If a student can breakdown a big goal into small bite-sized pieces they are more likely to be successful.
They connect learning to life – Habit of Mind ‘Applying Past Knowledge to new situations’
A successful student can see their studies in the context of the wider world. If a student has read, observed, and discussed the world, issues, and ideas on a regular basis, they will be able to place their learning in context. Without context, it is easy to understand why a child would think, “What’s the point?”
It is up to parents to ensure children are exposed to a multitude of ideas and rich resources and experiences. It too, is up to teachers to ensure that what happens in the classroom is linked to what exists in the wider world. That sense of relevance is vital for developing a love of learning. It gives school relevance beyond just doing well in testing.
They collaborate with teachers and peers – Habit of Mind ‘Listening with Empathy and Understanding’
A child’s relationship with their teacher is fundamental to their success at school. Effective students recognise that their teachers are their allies. The importance of this relationship was borne out in the ground-breaking research of Professor John Hattie. Successful students also tend to work well with peers, whether it be in-class group work, study clubs, or peer teaching. Collaboration is central to their learning schema.
They value education – Habit of Mind ‘Responding with Wonderment and Awe’
Finally, if a student is to achieve success in education, they need to value education. In life, we very rarely persist or strive in an endeavour if we don’t think it is valuable. Studies show that children are more likely to embrace education and succeed in homes where education is valued.
Reference: Knowing Girls: What Are Successful Students Doing Well? August 9, 2021
Tarryn Mclaren
Deputy Head: Senior Primary
The Library Checkout
Welcome to a new term of reading, engagement, and fun!
Our Junior Primary library classes are underway, and I look forward to sharing some new book titles that have just hit our shelves during the August holiday! Please may I request that all Grade 000-3 students bring a book-bag to library lessons so that they can store and protect their checkout-out library books.
A gentle reminder to our Grade 4-7 students to access the library on their designated day during the week to check out physical books:
Grade 4 | Grade 5 | Grade 6 | Grade 7 |
In addition, all Grade 4-7 students have personal logins to access our Kingsmead e-lending library with the Sora app. If any student has forgotten their login details, they should please contact or
Our Grade 7 Library Committee are an extremely excited group of avid readers that have set out to accomplish 3 distinctive goals this semester, namely:
- Continue to increase the additional languages collection in the JS library by seeking out recommended titles from teachers and students.
- Increase the popularity of the use of Sora, our e-lending library, by mindfully tackling the marketing of this offering in our school. This will commence with a student-led survey to all SP students to receive feedback.
- Attract more of our SP students to the physical library during breaktime slots, using interactive displays and hosting fun competitions. Stay tuned!
I thank this committee for their focused goal-setting approach!
Tania O’Maker
Junior School Media Specialist
Meet the Library Committee for Semester II:
Heritage Day Celebrations
Celebrating our Pride. Celebrating our Identities.
We as Kingsmead are excited to celebrate heritage. This year, we will be celebrating Heritage Day through the beautiful art of storytelling. Storytelling is both special and important as it allows each person to share and contribute their own personal story, and the cultures and traditions of our extraordinary nation, allowing for each individual to introduce to us the multifaceted layers of their culture, history and traditions. This is an incredible tool that allows us to learn more about each other through listening, helping us gain understanding of the different cultures that are represented by all the members of our Kingsmead community. Through storytelling, we have opportunity to not only celebrate ourselves and others, but we also learn how to honour and respect every person’s culture around us.
As part of our celebrations, this Friday, 17th September 2021, we encourage all our students to find out more about their own heritage and prepare to share their story with us. They can bring one item from home (item of clothing, an object, a photograph etc.) that represents any aspect of who they are and they will then share that story with their class.
We will be celebrating Heritage Day on 23 September by dressing in our own cultural attire. This will be another incredible opportunity to learn more about each other, so we implore our students to take the time to find our more about their own cultures and traditions and come dressed and ready to celebrate.
Noluthando Mdhluli
Junior School Head of TDI
Spring-clean your cupboards and support the annual Clothes To Good Collection.
Be a fashion recycler and receive a 15% H&M discount voucher when you donate a bag of clothes. The Clothes To Good collection programme is an initiative that works to prevent unwanted clothes and textiles from going to landfills. Clothes To Good use recycled clothes to create value for as many people as possible by creating inclusive jobs and micro-businesses.
Please fill as many green collection bags as you can with previously loved clothes and include the permission form. Donation bags and permission slips will be handed out to all students and additional bags and permission slips are available from Music Reception. Filled bags can be placed in the containers in the main parking area and on the field.
Jenny Venter
Director of Service
This term the Music department is launching another FUN MUSIC COMPETITION for all Grade 4-7s.
Meeting Times for InterHouseParty🎶 are as follows:
Grade 4s: Tuesdays 13h45-14h30
Grade 5s: Wednesdays 13h45-14h30
Grade 6s: Tuesdays 14h30-15h15
Grade 7s: Wednesdays 14h30-15h15
Although this is not compulsory we would love to have everyone there to join the fun and grow house spirit. This activity will take the place of Choir this term; Choir will resume later in the term or 2022.
Watch the BIG LAUNCH video and show your daughter too! InterHouse Music 2021
Concerts in the Lounge
The Concerts in the Lounge from the 2nd term will be available until half term (21 October) Please note that the videos are unlisted (not public) so you need the link to access the concert. Click on the name of the concert below to go to the video on YouTube:
Grade 0-3 Music Concert 7 July 2021
Grade 4 & 5 Music Concert 14 July 2021
Grade 6 & 7 Music Concert 21 July 2021
Grade 4-7 Concert in the Lounge: Vocal Edition 4 August 2021
All concert links are also available on the App in the Arts & Music folder. Please keep an eye on the App for additional information about the Arts & Music programme at Kingsmead.
The Music department wishes the Kingsmead community a fantastic term ahead!
With the announcement of level 2 lockdown, this brings more exciting news for sport.
While we aim to continue catering for team and non-team sport, Kingsmead will be participating this term in athletics, diving, tennis , waterpolo and equestrian fixtures. We will be starting with friendly fixtures in October, these will be sent out once we have received clarity from the participating schools.
Kingsmead will continue to improve fitness and conditioning of all the students during the physical education lessons and during after school sport.
While we wait on the gazette, spectators are still not permitted at any sporting venues.
Robert Pullen
Director of Sports
Gymnastic Achievements
Congratulations to the incredible gymnasts (Kylie Dugmore, Ella van der Hijden,Grace Hefer, Ziyanah Mahomed and Chloe Mandy) who participated in the Central Gauteng Gymnastics competition in Pretoria on 10 September. All of these gymnasts have been selected for the National Gymnastics Competition which is being held in Pretoria from the 4-8 October. Congratulations!
Swimming Achievements
We would like to congratulate Noa van Zalk on her outstanding achievements over the weekend of 28 August 2021. Noa participated in her first Eastern Gauteng Aquatics gala. She did exceptionally well and came home with 6 medals out of her 6 races. Congratulations, Noa!
100m Individual Medley First place
50m Breastroke First place
50m Butterfly Second place
100m Freestyle Second place
50m Backstroke Second place
50m Freestyle Second place
Francesca Logan, Katherine Papadopoulos and Jade Anderson competed for the Johannesburg District team on the 11 and 12 September as part of the Gauteng Provincial final selection show. Congratulations on the following placings:
Jade Anderson
1st Show Jumping Level 7 Speed
1st Show Jumping Level 7 Normal Competition
2nd Equitation Level 7
2nd Working Riding Level 7
Katherine Papadopoulos
3rd Handy Hunter Level 3
Francesca Logan
5th Equitation Level 6
A further congratulations to these riders for being selected to represent Gauteng at the upcoming National Championship to be held on 6-9 October 2021.
Team selection as follows:
Jade Anderson
Gauteng A team Show Jumping x2
Gauteng A team Equitation
Gauteng A team Working Hunter
Katherine Papadopoulos
A team Handy Hunter
B team Working Riding
C team Working Hunter
Francesca Logan
B team Show Jumping x2
B team Equitation
We wish you all the best for the National Championships
Shavaun Hanekom
Junior School Sports Coordinator
Grade 7 Production
The Show Must Go Online! – A Virtual Children’s Musical
“What? No!? The drama department can’t shut down permanently!”
“We have to do something, no matter what obstacles we face! Life mirrors art, and just like Brenda Flossy says at the start of BRUSHES WITH GREATNESS…WE DON’T GIVE UP!”
The Grade 7s have been hard at work from the start of this year in rehearsing their first ever Virtual Grade 7 Musical Production. The evening show premiere will be broadcast next week in the Joel Hall for the Grade 7 students and their parents/guardians only.
We have scheduled grade-specific viewings for our Junior School students during the school day next week Wednesday.
Keen for a taste of what to look forward to?
Lyrics by David Hudson,
Music by Denver Casado
Book by Jessica Penzias
© 2020 Beat by Beat Press
The Grade 7 Production Team
We welcome Leigh-Anne Wilson who joins the Kingsmead family as a resident Remedial Therapist. She received a Higher Diploma in Education from J.C.E. and has many years of experience as a Foundation Phase educator. She completed the Award in Literacy and Dyslexia through Bellavista School and qualified to teach and assess learners with Specific Learning Difficulties. During this time, Leigh-Anne also trained as a RAVE-O practitioner. She then went on to obtain my Advanced Diploma in Remedial Education through the University of Johannesburg. Her goal is to create academically engaging learning experiences through an environment that fosters creativity, curiosity, and kindness, while being adaptive to every child’s learning style and needs.
We wish you many happy years with us Leigh-Anne!