This May was a wonderful month of learning, growing and courage at Kingsmead College. We celebrated the incredible staff at Kingsmead for Worker’s Day and Mother’s Day, and we are proud to acknowledge the ways that our school teachers and staff support our students. Along with exciting classroom events and outings, our sports stars achieved fantastic results last month at their various competitions.
We were thrilled to have the annual Kingsmead Book Fair return on 21 May, where our students and parents were able to share in our love of books.
We sent our appreciation and respect to the workers of every field on Worker’s Day, whose hard work and dedication have helped to build our nation.

The Grade 8s had some classroom fun as they played a board game on creating a sustainable world as part of their introduction to the “Our Future World” Growth Curriculum Module.

Our Grade 6s were lucky enough to have a visit from Captain Human from SAPS Linden, who came to talk to them about finding evidence and solving a mystery. They had so much fun, while learning about safety and solving their very own mystery tasks.
Congratulations to Milisuthando Mabusela on winning a gold medal and attaining half colours for gymnastics. Milisuthando has also been chosen to represent Central Gauteng Gymnastics Association at the Zone Gymnastics Competition. We are so proud of you Milisuthando, and we wish you all the best for your competition!

Congratulations to Maya Rono for placing 8th overall at the National Diving Championships. Maya competed against divers who are two years older than her, so this is really an outstanding achievement. Well done, Maya!
Congratulations to Amelia Southey for being chosen to represent Gauteng at the National Karate Championships on the 20/21 May. Amelia won a bronze and a silver medal at the Gauteng Trials in her orange belt category. Well done, Amelia!

Congratulations to Sarah Jensen, Scarlett Larsen and Taylor Palmer who competed in the level 1-3 Zone Competition over the weekend in Pretoria and represented Central Gauteng. All three students received gold medals and Half Central Gauteng Colours. We are so proud of your achievements!

Thank you to our first teachers – our mothers. In honour of Mother’s Day, we packed 200 maternity gift bags with The Grace Factory on Saturday 7 May.

Our Grade 8s had so much fun making chocolate brownies during their Hospitality Lesson. They picked up new skills, and the classroom smelled wonderful too!
We are over the moon! Amelia Warren, Kingsmead College alumnae (Head Girl in 2015), won the Olive Schreiner School of Law prize for the most distinguished Graduate of Law.
She also won Best Moot and the student who had performed best in Social Justice and Human Rights. What an incredible achievement!

In learning about different forms of symbolism, expression and communication, our Grade 4s learnt how to sing “You are my sunshine” in sign language. Click below to view the beautiful video on our Facebook page.
We would like to congratulate Aliyah Dada on her outstanding performance at her tennis tournament which took place on 7 May. Well done, Aliyah!

Congratulations to Morgan Chen-Heyneke for competing at the 2022 Archers of Zoo Lake World Archery 720 Championships on 25 April. Morgan competed in the Under 13 Female Barebow Recurve category, she was placed 1st and won a gold medal – and she also set a new record. Well done Morgan!
We are proud to announce that Qaylah Choonara has been formally invited to the second round of the South African National Geography Olympiad. Congratulations Qaylah!

Our Grade 12 Geography students went on a Rosebank Precinct Walking Tour. They visited the Monarch Hotel, and Rosebank Fire Station for a Facadism lesson, as well as the Standard Bank Green Building. A big thank you to our security team for chaperoning the students and teachers and keeping them safe. We hope they learned all they could about our fascinating surrounds.

Darcy Anderson took part in the 2022 KWF SA National Children & Youth Championship for Karate and won two golds medals. She is now SA Champion in her division. Incredible achievement Darcy, congratulations!
As we built up to the Kingsmead Book Fair, Book Week fever started on campus. We were so excited to have Christopher Lloyd, world renowned historian, talking to our Grade 7s! The Junior School also launched a Book Week Programme in line with Inquiry Based Learning. The school was buzzing with a wide range of literacy activities, visits from amazing authors, performances from Hooked on Books and character dress up day. Such excitement!