This morning the Junior School TDI drive team launched our school campaign #sayhello.
The girls shared various messages to demonstrate the power of greeting. In Isizulu “Sawubona” – which when translated means “I see you”. This is extremely powerful. It means, I acknowledge you, I acknowledge your presence in this space. I see you as a human being. You breath the same air as me, you hurt like I do, you love like I do. You feel disappointments like I do, you have dreams and hopes like I do.
Every human being needs to feel that they belong. Our souls long for a sense of belonging whether it is at school, at work at home with our families. If we are to build a school that is inclusive to all and that provides a place of belonging we need to first acknowledge each other through greeting. I see you; I see you; I see you; I see you; I see you; I see you; I see you!
Let’s make Kingsmead a place of welcome and belonging. Ask yourself how big is my welcome? Let people walk away feeling that this is home and this is where I belong.