Kingsmead College July 2019

July highlights

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It’s been a busy July at Kingsmead College! As term winds down ahead of the August break, here are a few highlights from the past month:

The Growth Curriculum module ‘Made in Africa’ has the students designing, carving, and printing their own lino cuts. There were many intricate and beautiful prints coming out of the Design Room!

Kingsmead College July 2019

Kingsmead College July 2019

We look forward to Mandela Day every year. On 18 July this year, we hosted a sleeping bag making event where anyone who wished could join us to make and donate a sleeping bag for the homeless.

Kingsmead Mandela Day 2019

During the second term, the Grade 9s experienced the thrill and excitement of the Adrenaline Rush module of the Growth Curriculum. The students played the role of entrepreneurs who found a unique niche in the market for thrill rides. The students had to design their rides on computer and present them to a simulated bank panel in order to acquire virtual funds. The money was then granted as a loan, which the students could use to purchase materials for the build of their model.

Through the module, students where equipped with valuable skills such as learning how to incorporate a motor into a circuit, designing stable structures on a computer, and developing a business plan.

Kingsmead College July 2019

Kingsmead College July 2019

Our Grade 4 students have been hard at work in the vegetable garden as part of their extension elective – ‘Green Fingers’. Last week they reaped their rewards with the harvesting of some of the veggies.

Kingsmead College July 2019

Last week we celebrated the opening of the Isivivane Garden, a gift from the Grade 7s of 2018. The gabions represent the different phases of the Junior School and the placing of stones is symbolic of each girl’s journey.

Isivivane: The Sanctuary of Stones 
You are Welcome Here
Three Sanctuaries of Stone, Tower,
Individually our Stories are Known. Cherished. Celebrated.
Our Differences Make us Strong. Our Hopes Make us One.
Our Hearts Beat. Dundun.
The Drum. Dundun.
Lifting. We Rise.
Our Vision Clear. We Rise.
Girls of Grit. We Rise.
Women of Courage. We Rise.
Franc ha Leal.

Kingsmead College July 2019

Kingsmead College July 2019

Grade 1L enjoyed a morning of fun activities with the Grade 1 class of St Vincent School for the Deaf.

Kingsmead College July 2019

Kingsmead College July 2019

The Grade 2s and 7s went on a Service excursion to The Bunny Hop Haven. The girls planted vegetables, put clean water and hay in the animal enclosures and fed the bunnies (lots of cuddles included).

Kingsmead College July 2019

Kingsmead College July 2019

Kingsmead College July 2019

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