February 2021 highlights - Matrics 2020

February 2021 highlights

Pomegranite ConsultingJunior School, Senior School Leave a Comment

Our Matric Class of 2020 did us proud and achieved excellent results in spite of all the challenges they faced, in what was an incredibly tough year. We secured a 100% pass rate! Find some of our February 2021 highlights below:

As we counted down the days to the release of the IEB Matric results, we celebrated the Class of 2020. The girls reflected on our Kingsmead values and their time at school. Read their thoughts below.

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The second week  of February was one of the special weeks at Kingsmead as we officially welcomed our new students to the Junior School. As per Kingsmead tradition, the students had an opportunity to place their stones in the Isivivane garden and beat the dundun drum. We hope your stay at Kingsmead will be filled with Happiness, Courage and Possibilities.


Isivivane: The Sanctuary of Stones
You are Welcome Here
Three Sanctuaries of Stone, Tower,
Individually our Stories are Known. Cherished. Celebrated.
Our Differences Make us Strong. Our Hopes Make us One.
Our Hearts Beat. Dundun.
The Drum. Dundun.
Lifting. We Rise.
Our Vision Clear. We Rise.
Girls of Grit. We Rise.
Women of Courage. We Rise.
Franc ha Leal.


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Footloose Friday was a great success with 1569 pairs of shoes donated to the following beneficiaries:
  • Isipho Primary
  • Hotel Hope
  • Fight with Insight
  • Sunshine Association
  • Kids Haven
  • Dlala Nje
  • Rays of Hope
  • Kingsmead College Service Staff
Thank you to the entire community for donating generously and a special thank you to the PTA for assisting with the sorting, packing and delivering of the donations.
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On 18 February 2021, the day that IEB Matric Results were released, we shared a video wishing our Class of 2020 well. Their commitment and resilience in what was a very tough year has taught us to be courageous and to be united as a community. The whole Kingsmead community is so proud of them.

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Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Your outstanding results in the NSC Final Examinations are the result of your determination, grit and dedication during an exceptionally challenging year. You have proved that you are a force with which to be reckoned and you will, no doubt, go on to make a difference in the world. We are delighted with the results of each individual student and with the class as a whole. Thank you to the superb teaching staff at Kingsmead – both in the Junior and the Senior schools – who nurtured you and prepared you for this journey. We wish you every success in your bright futures!

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Our Matrics were featured in the Independent Online and Rosebank Killarney Gazette. Once again, well done on your amazing results!

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Click here to listen to a heartwarming message from our Executive Head, Lisa Palmer to the Class of 2020.

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“The world is torn with strife and conflict of thought and belief – economic, political, religious – it has a need, as never before, of thinking men and women, disciplined, controlled and sincere persons. I would like to feel that Kingsmead will send out considerate, disciplined, efficient women, but above all, women in some sense consecrated to the search after truth and happiness. Then indeed we need not fear that we can play our part in the world and play it worthily.” – DV Thompson, 1934

Our founder would have been so proud of the achievements of our Class of 2020.

One of the benefits of COVID and the later-than-usual results release date is that it afforded us the opportunity to celebrate the success of this incredible group of students today. It was so wonderful to see you all!

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The farmyard came to Mornington! Our creche and pre-school children had a fabulous morning learning about these farm animals. They were able to feed them and even have a ride on a pony! It was the most magical morning listening to the delight and excitement. We have so missed these moments.

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Congratulations Alexa Lipchin, one of our Matric students from the Class of 2020, on achieving ten distinctions! We are incredibly proud to call you one of our own. Click here to read more on this accomplished young lady in an article by the Independent Online.

Kingsmead College


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