Dear Parents
This is the only full week left of the term. The remaining weeks are short weeks, interrupted by a few school holidays. We will ensure that we communicate carefully each week with regard to times and changes to schedules. Please read the newsletter each week. If any changes occur, these will be communicated on the App.
A reminder to please read the documentation sent out at the end of last week. The information is available on the App under Parent Resources. If for some reason you are unable to access the information, please could you let Ms Sithole, at reception know so that we can assist with the App or alternatively email the information through to you.
We wish Mrs Tania O’Maker all the best as she begins her maternity leave early next week. Mrs Donaldson will take care of her LEAD group for the remainder of the term until Mrs Bev Pruett joins us at the start of the second term. Mrs O’ Maker is fortunate enough to be combining her maternity leave with her sabbatical leave, due this year. This means that we will only welcome Mrs O’Maker back at the start of 2019.
- 29 MARCH 2018
- 2 MAY 2018
- 11 MAY 2018
Please note the following closing times for the Junior and Senior Schools on Thursday 29 March 2018:
- Junior Prep will close at 11:00
- Senior Prep will close at 11:30
- Senior School will close at 12:00
As you are aware, the ISASA calendar states that the girls return to school for the start of Term II on Wednesday 2 May 2018. As Tuesday 1 May 2018 is a public holiday, we do not have time to hold our transformation feedback session before the term starts.
We are thus asking for the girls to come back on Thursday 3 May to allow for a Transformation feedback day on the 2 May. We will be asking girls and parents to join us in various feedback sessions on that day, particularly if they have been serving on the Transformation Committee.
As per the calendar, the 11 May (the day before the Kingsmead Book Fair) is a flipped classroom day for Grades 6 – 12 to allow for the set-up for the various venues for the Book Fair on the Friday. Please note that the whole school will be closed on that day – Senior and Junior Schools.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation in this regard.
Yours sincerely
Kim Lowman – Head: Kingsmead Junior School
Tuesday 13 Mar
- U13 District hockey trials – St Andrew’s
Wednesday 14 Mar
- Gr 7 Academic scholarship exams
- Gr 7 Sports scholarship interviews
Thursday 15 Mar
- Cycle test: Grade 5 & 6 Mathematics; Grade 7 Science
- JS Tennis matches – A/B vs St Mary’s @ St Mary’s; C/D vs St Mary’s @ Kingsmead
- Grade 7 sports scholarship interviews
Friday 16 Mar
- 07h45 JP Assembly
- 09h00 JS Netball clinic – Camp Discovery
- 10h45 SP Hymns / Chapel
Saturday 17 Mar
- JS Netball clinic – Camp Discovery
- SANESA qualifier
- Buddy Reading
Sunday 18 May
- 13h00 JS Netball clinic – Camp Discovery returns
- SANESA qualifier
The Grade 0’s had a delightful visit from three guide dog puppies and their foster moms. Heidi, Jo and Celia each have a puppy that they are preparing for the important job of being a guide dog. As socialisation is an important aspect of their training, Heidi felt it was important that they have contact with children. The three German Shepherd puppies, Eliza, Ember and Eton are siblings and are part of a trial to use this breed as guide dogs. The girls were very excited to interact with the puppies and we are looking forward to them returning in a few months’ time to show us how much more they have learnt.
This year’s Kingsmead Major Production is performed in collaboration with King Edward VII School. Sarafina! takes place at Morris Isaacson High School in Soweto, where, in 1976, about 200 000 black students assembled to protest against government decree that imposed the “official” language of Afrikaans as the new medium of instruction in their classes, instead of their own language, Zulu. Through story and song, Sarafina! follows the activities of a fictional class at Morris Isaacson and, in particular, one girl named Sarafina, who inspires her classmates with her commitment to the struggle against the government. The class presents a play about the symbolic Day of Liberation that they all dream of – where their hero, Nelson Mandela is released after more than 20 years in prison.
The performance and ticket information is as follows:
- Wednesday 14 March @14:30 – R70
- Thursday 15 March @19:00 – R80
- Friday 16 March @19:00 – R80
Due to the sensitive content of the show, a suggested age restriction is age 10.
Please book your tickets online at
Should a school wish to make a block booking for their students of 10 or more tickets (at R50 each), please email Palesa Mpeke directly:
Choir Tour Raffle
Our Senior School Choir has a most exciting year ahead. In the April holidays they will be traveling to Austria and Italy where they will performing a varied and exciting programme with an African flavour. In July, the Choir will be participating in the World Choir Games – one of the International musical highlights on the calendar. To make the tour and the World Games participation possible, we have a few fundraising initiatives this term. Please support us by purchasing a raffle tickets from any of the reception areas, the carpark in the mornings before school or from any Senior School Choir member.
This term the Music Department will showcase our musicians in a wonderful evening that will involve all our Choirs and Orchestras from Grade 2-12.
Thursday the 5th of April 18h30 – 19h30 at Rosebank Union Church
Tickets will go on sale next week @R100.
Don’t miss out, Save the Date!
Elsabé Fourie
Director of Arts & Music
Information regarding TENNIS:
Extra private tennis lessons are offered at school: Coach – Jade Pondicas, Email: / Cell: 071 674 2108
Week Behind:
We concluded the swimming season on a high on Friday 9th March with the Prestige Swimming Galas.
All the swimmers competed with enthusiasm, determination and were motivated to give their best. In the A50m gala at St Andrew’s, 10 schools competed and Kingsmead ended 5th. The A25m gala was hosted by Kingsmead and our girls swam like stars! They managed to end 4th out of 10 schools. The B25m girls really gave of their best and ended 6th out of 10 schools. Well done to the swimmers! You all did Kingsmead proud and all your hard work paid off! Thank you to all the coaches . We enjoyed a successful season!
The results were as follows:
A50m Gala:
Grade 3:
- Backstroke: 3rd
- Breaststroke: 2nd
- Freestyle: 3rd
Grade 6:
- Butterfly: 1st
- Backstroke: 3rd
- Freestyle: 2nd
- Medley: 3rd
Grade 7:
- Butterfly: 2nd
A25m Gala:
Grade 3:
- Breaststroke: 1st
Grade 5:
- Backstroke: 2nd
Grade 6:
- Butterfly: 3rd
Grade 7:
- Butterfly: 2nd
- Backstroke: 2nd
- Breaststroke: 2nd
- Freestyle: 2nd
- Medley: 2nd
B25m Gala:
Grade 3:
- Breaststroke: 3rd
- Freestyle: 1st
Grade 5:
- Breaststroke: 3rd
Grade 6:
- Butterfly: 3rd
- Breaststroke: 2nd
- Medley: 1st
Grade 7:
- Freestyle: 2nd
Special congratulations goes to the Grade 6 swimmers in the B25m gala. There were only 4 girls, namely Haana Patel, Kaylee Ritchie, Kate Chapman and Kirsten Botha, who swam all the races. Well done girls, you did Kingsmead proud!
Netball News:
On Saturday, 10th March, 3 of our Grade 7 players participated in the D13 U13 Netball trials at Redhill. The netball was of a high standard. The 3 girls, Alexa Kohler, Neo Shibambo and Natalie Morris played their hearts out. Natalie Morris went through to the final round with only 4 teams remaining. She made the final teams (2teams were selected) and will attend the second round of trials at E.G. Jansen on Saturday, 16th March. Good luck, Natalie! We are so proud of you!
Week Ahead:
16th to 18th March: Netball Clinic at Camp Discovery
- Depart: 09h00 on 16th March (Parents will be notified arrival at Camp Discovery.)
- Return: Sunday, 18th March at approx. 13h00 (Parents will be notified when we leave Camp Discovery.)
Friday, 23rd March:
- Grade 3 to Grade 7
- Opponents: St Andrew’s and St Mary’s
- Venues: Grade 3 & 4 AT St Mary’s / Grade 5, 6 & 7 AT St Andrew’s
- Transport: Buses will leave from Cecil Road Gate at 13h15 and will return to Kingsmead at approximately 17h00, depending on the traffic.
Hockey News:
On Saturday, 1of our 10th March 4 of our U12 Hockey players competed in the D9 District Hockey trials. The girls played well and the standard of Hockey was high.
Good luck to the riders who will compete in the second Qualifier on 17th and 18th March.
Important Dates:
- Johannesburg District 2018 Core League QUALIFIER DATES:
- Q3: 19th and 20th May
- Q4: 16th and 17th June
- Gauteng Finals:
- Primary Schools: 28th and 29th July
- Nationals:
- Primary Schools: During October, dates to be confirmed.
For any information regarding Equestrian contact Ms Feroza Motara. Email:
Click on this link to view the Parenting Panel Profiles
Bread tags and Bottle tops:
Continue to collect Bread tags and Bottle tops for Wheelchairs. Collection point is at the medical centre. We need 450 kg bottle tops for a wheelchair or 50 kg bread tags. We have already donated 6 wheelchairs
We weighed in December and we have enough bottle tops to donate for our 7th wheelchair .We are looking for a recipient . Please mail information to
Keep up the good work!