Dear Kingsmead Community, The Jacarandas are in full bloom and magnificent. We said goodbye to our Matrics at an emotional Valedictory Chapel, Assembly and …
Our Connection: Issue 19 2019
Brave Schools Create a Culture of Meaning (Summary by Marisa Di Terlizzi) In the October article from Knowing Girls, a publication from Santa Maria Girls’ …
Our Connection: Issue 18 2019
Dear Parents So much has happened in these few short weeks of term. Our students have showcased their talent and exceptional dedication to growth during …
Kingsmead Newsletter September 2019
Goodwill Day Dear Kingsmead College Community We are excited about Goodwill Day this year and invite the entire community to come and enjoy the day …
Our Connection: Issue 17 2019
Guiding Hope: Reshaping the Narrative of Young Women in South Africa South Africa has experienced a very challenging few weeks. Gender-based violence, xenophobia and the …