360a559a 5aca 42b1 95f9 0d4d781f687e Kingsmead College

Kingsmead Newsletter January 2021

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Dear Kingsmead Community,

How wonderful it was to welcome all our students back on the campus this morning. There was a palpable energy in the air.

The start of a new year brings with it new beginnings and, although we have not perhaps had the start we would have ideally wanted this year, we have certainly looked to our community for strength and for support. My main message this year has been about how our sense of community and belonging has become even more important to us during this time of a global pandemic and that we share an interconnectedness in which we have had to work together. I am constantly reminded of the African proverb – “It takes a village to raise a child.” If this pandemic has taught me anything, it is the value of relationships.

We were so fortunate to be able to welcome some of our grades on campus for orientation this term and we especially welcome all our new Grade 0s and our Grade 8s to Kingsmead. We wish them a very happy and successful school career. I have encouraged the Grade 8s to take every opportunity that is afforded to them at this wonderful school and to wear their Kingsmead badge with pride at all times. The one thing that unites us going forward is that we all belong to Kingsmead.

The other thing that the pandemic has shown is how much we have to be grateful for. I have encouraged the students to take a few minutes each day to reflect on what they have been given.

I wish you all a wonderful, healthy and happy term ahead.

Warm regards

Lisa Palmer
Head: Kingsmead College


Oh Lord, we know you by many names, but still we are part of one human family, Your family.
Open our hearts and minds so that we see Your reflection in the face of every person on this earth.
Help us to forge bonds of compassion, dignity, and respect with every person.
Guide us to fully grasp that differences should never lessen a person’s need for love, friendship, belonging, respect, and for the opportunity to work, contribute, and lead.
Let prejudice, stigma, fear, and presumptions never interfere with our ceaseless efforts to assure that each and every person is able to feel the embrace of family, community, and of God. Amen.

Thank you.

Arya Naidoo
Grade 12 Student

Arts News


Welcome back to all our parents and students. All of us in the Arts & Music department hope to bring joy to our community this year. Although our meetings, rehearsals and events may look different, the Arts & Music department looks forward to a year of finding joy in making music and connecting with our community through the Arts.


Debating and Public Speaking Club remain popular and well supported activities. The meetings have been online since last year and work well in this format. Tumelo More, our Public Speaking Club coach, now also coaches the Senior Debating Team. We welcome Bella Mkhabela as our new Junior Debating coach.


The Kingsmead Theatre was completed last year and we cannot wait to use this beautiful new space! The Drama department will still present a major production in 2021, despite the challenges Covid has brought us. This promises to be a most exciting new venture, something we have never done before.. Watch This Space!

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Our aim in the Kingsmead Music Department is for every student in our school to have the opportunity to play an instrument at some point during their school career. A wide range of instruments are on offer as well as group music making opportunities, including choirs, orchestras, ensembles and bands.

Visit the Kingsmead App: Arts & Music folder for more information on the Arts & Music offering as well as the application form for individual music lessons. Information about the Arts & Music extra-curricular programme and sign-up lists can be found in the Extra-curricular folder on the Kingsmead App.

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The Arts & Music team, wishes you a happy and fulfilling year ahead!

Elsabé Fourie
Director of Arts & Music

Academic News


Nouvelles du Département de Français

Our Grade 10 and 11 French students have had their first workshop with Muriel Huet, who is the coordinator for the Spelling Bee – Epelle-moi Afrique. If you would like to see what this competition is all about, rendez-vous sur http://www.ifas.org.za/index.php/french-language/news/1395-spelling-bee-en-langue-francaise-epelle-moi-afrique

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We wish them bon courage et bonne chance!

Joëlle Harding
Senior School French Teacher

Service News

In 2021, we will continue to strive to instill a sense of community responsibility and generosity through the various Service initiatives at Kingsmead College.


Our continued relationship with Community Hours will enable all Grade 8-12 students to log their volunteering online. This platform provides information on extensive volunteering opportunities and enables our students to build an online profile of their community involvement.

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In spite of the limitations due to lockdown regulations, Service continues at home. Service@Home activities will replace our various excursions and through these activities we will continue supporting our partner organisations.


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We are pleased to introduce the South African Guide Dogs Association for the Blind as the new Grade 1 Community Engagement partner. South African Guide Dogs Association train and provide guide dogs, service dogs and autism support dogs and their mission is to enhance the lives of visually and physically impaired people and children with autism.

You can support the South African Guide Dogs Association by purchasing a 2021 calendar from them at https://guidedog.org.za/shop/

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Jenny Venter
Director of Service

Medical News


First Aid started strong this year, with 3 students achieving a level 3 First Aid qualification onsite at the Turtle Life Support despite the hectic start to the year. Congratulations to Sarah Mitchell, Fikile Nhleko and Carys du Toit. We will continue to foster our dedication to learning with our new Grade 8s, who were welcomed to the First Aid team recently. We look forward to seeing their growth over the next few months.

First Aid Kingsmead College

Megan Cleminson
First Aid Captain


Our first Blood Drive almost did not happen, but with the school opening today, the Blood Drive on the 12th of February can now go ahead. Due to the adjusted level 3 restrictions, we will be unable to allow external people onto campus. The drive will only be able to be supported by our students and staff.

Kingsmead College Blood Kingsmead College

PTA News

Dear Kingsmead Family,

The PTA wishes you all a year of health and hope.

We look forward, together with you, to bringing a renewed sense of community and kindness to Kingsmead this year.

Within the constraints of Kingsmead’s Covid health and safety protocols the PTA will continue to offer our community opportunities to share and build.

We thank you for your support.

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Rizwana Bawa
PTA Chair

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